477 32 19

Trigger warning- blood, cuts, self harm

Virgil whimpered as he just stared at his arms with teary eyes. He had tried to pull his mind free before he did anything but... the panic just wouldn't stop. Plus that nightmare... Virgil shuddered as he bit his lip in thought. He could feel the wet drip of red that slowly fell down his arm seeming to cool his raging skin from the icy air around him. At least that's how it felt to him. He couldn't stop the tears that fell from his eyes.

"Virgil?" The boy whimpered out as his fear peaked burning through his already broken body. He could hear the knocking on his door. He could hear Roy on the other side. "Virgil, can you please open up? I wanted to apologize."

"Virgil?" Roy frowned as he stood there, worry slowly rising as time went on. "Hey... stormcloud? Virgil, I just..."

"G-Go away!" Roy flinched at the pained cry of the other and his blood went cold. He took a deep breath and his eyes flashed as he opened the door without even a second thought, only to be met with a very very sad sight. "I said go away."

"I smelt blood." Virgil's eyes narrowed as Roy started to come closer only to freeze as Virgil flinched horribly. "Virg..."

"Go away. Just go away." Roy could feel his tears rising as he looked behind him only shake his head as he narrowed his eyes.

"I can't do that, Virgil." Roy ignored the fear in the other as he knelt down in front of Virgil and smiled softly. "I can't just ignore this."

"After what you did..." Roy frowned as he glanced away. "I don't want to see you."

"Virgil, I'm sorry." Virgil's eyes narrowed making his vision go blurry from the tears. "In hindsight, I can see... we took it to far. I never meant to hurt you. I didn't even mean to hurt him. I just... When I heard that he hurt you, I... I couldn't stand to let someone else go through that." Roy's eyes darted down to the cuts on Virgil's arms and his throat closed upon him. "Please... Please tell me this wasn't because of me."

"Like you even care..." Roy felt the tears spilling before he could even try to stop them and Virgil frowned in confusion. "Why the hell are you crying?"

"It was my fault, wasn't it?" Virgil's eyes darkened as Roy let out a shaky breath, standing up and pulling Virgil up with him. "Let's clean you up." Virgil didn't even fight him as Roy led him into the bathroom. Once again Virgil was frozen under the look Roy had as he took the wet washcloth and started to dab the cuts. "I'm sorry, Virgil." Roy frowned as his hands started to shake a small bit. "I never meant for this to happen. I-I never wanted anyone to go through what I did."

"Roy?" Virgil frowned as Roy had to stop and collect himself. He wiped the tears from his eyes as he went to grab the bandages from under the sink and the peroxide from the cabinet. He took Virgil's arms again and sighed as he went about cleaning it all properly. 

"Good news they aren't that deep. They should heal pretty quickly considering. The bad news... There's a lot so your arms are going to be very sore." When Roy finished bandaging up Virgil's arms he stepped back giving the boy space. Virgil shot him a confused look as Roy just smiled softly. "You should be though."

"Why do you care so much?" Roy frowned as he looked down at his own arms and sighed.

"Because no one should ever have to go through this... and definitely never alone." Virgil's eyes widened as Roy choked back a broken laugh. "I've been on the receiving end of it and... it didn't end well."


"Virgil, I care about you." Roy bit his lip seeing the shock in the other as he took another step back. "I won't lie... I am the type of person who... falls easily but... I don't know." Roy groaned in frustration as he rang his fingers through his blonde hair. "I just... I don't like seeing you so upset. I don't like that your hurting. I don't like that you're..." Roy's eyes glittered with tears as his hands dropped. "I'm sorry for scaring you. I never meant for it to go so far. We weren't thinking. We just... I didn't want you to get hurt anymore."

"You so... It's like your a god damn coin." Roy cringed as Virgil narrowed his eyes in confusion. "One moment you soft and kind and caring. You're a bit quiet and reserved but you're strong and... I don't know but... The next you are hyper and hectic and clearly crazy. It's like your two different people." Roy's eyes shot wide as he looked around and Virgil just rolled his eyes. "I don't understand you, Roy."

"Just... Give me a chance?" Virgil faltered at the slight shake in the other's voice. "I know things are a bit... split-faced with me but... I swear to you I will always be here for you." Virgil could see the determined shine in Roy's eyes as he smiled and held out his hand. "No matter what... 'Version' of Romulus you see... This me will always be there moment you call. I promise."

"You're making it sound like you have split personalities." Roy laughed as he shook his head only to freeze up feeling Virgil take his hand lightly. "I don't care either way." Virgil smiled as he hugged him. "You're the only friend I have here Roy. I don't want to lose this. Then I'd be alone and... I just can't."

"You're never alone Virgil." Roy smiled softly as he leaned into him while still supporting the other. "Not anymore."

*Discontinued* Murder HouseWhere stories live. Discover now