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Trigger warning- Death, Remus's dead form (gunshots and all that), gore, Blood.... just alot of blood

"So what exactly is the..." Remus ran off before Logan could finish and Roman laughed. "Well, that was to be expected."

"I have a feeling my brother had a moment with Janus." Logan frowned as he looked over to see Roman with the concerned look. "He... like me, get's far to attached to soon. I think we should deal with the bitch." Roman pointed up catching Logan's eyes as Roman smirked. "Remus will handle the asshole that scared Jan and we'll take care of the bitch upstares."

"Do you have a plan on how?" Roman nodded as he shot Logan a look. "Ro..."

"My room's upstairs." Logan's eyes went wide as Roman held his wrists up. "... so's my bathroom."

"You aren't seriously going to murder her in Virgil's bathroom are you?" Roman laughed as he started for the stares. "Roman?"

"Of course not. I'm going to scare the shit out of her." Roman paused for a second before frowning. "We're going to need to call..." Logan sighed and nodded as he followed Roman. "I don't want Virgil to see the bodies."

"Especially after Remus gets his hands on that one." 

That was actually smart considering the thoughts in Remus's head at that moment. All he could see was that poor boy curled up and crying. His sobs filled Remus's ears as his blood turned to ice. He didn't bother trying any tactics. He wasn't one to put on an act. He was pissed... 

and he was out for blood.

Colt laughed as knocked this cup over watching it shatter against the hardwood floor. This place was practically empty in regards to loot. Nothing of real monetary value... at least nothing they can just carry out with. Sure there was the giant tv and the stereo system but Colt wasn't one to deal with tech. To think a therapist moved into murder house. Now that's a laugh considering...

"You don't belong here." Colt spun around to find Remus standing there gripping a knife tightly in his hands. He stumbled back at the purely rageful shine in the boys eyes. "You never should have come here."

"Who the fuck..." Remus smirked as he took a step closer only to frown as Colt fumbled for a gun. He slid the slide back and Remus laughed.

"You planning on shooting me?" Colt shook as Remus continued his advance. "So scaring a kid isn't enough for you... you have to actually kill one too huh?"

"W-What are you talking about?" Colt hit the desk and paled as Remus giggled and gripped the knife tighter. "I suggest you go back to where ever you came from and forget about what you saw... NOW KID!"

"Oh, I'll go back but... With one less breathing BODY in this house." Remus went to attack only for the gun to go off much to Colt's surprise who hadn't actually intended on firing. Theft is one this but murder... and a child no less... Colt didn't think he had that in him. However... "Well, shit." Remus stood there looking down at where the wound should have been with this confused look in his eyes. "You actually shot me."

"W-Why aren't you dead?" Remus's eyes shot up and a devious smirk played on his lips as his form began to shift. Blood pooled at his feet as all those familiar bullet wounds resurfaced much to Colt's absolute horror who at this point was so in shock he thought the devil himself was before him.

"Whoever said I wasn't?" Remus lashed out driving the knife into Colts throat lost to the pure rage. He yanked the knife out watching as Colt struggle to hold the wound as he choked on his own blood. Remus wasn't done yet. He wasn't kidding when he said he wanted to stab him for every SINGLE tear Janus cried. Let's just say if you saw him you would have thought he was in some sort of blood lust-driven haze. He wasn't. He didn't care about the blood that pooled and soaked into his clothes. He didn't care about the way his face was painted with the red or the unique design the splatter took. No... he wasn't bloodthirsty or experiencing blood lust. He was crying himself as he hacked and screamed. Until finally he just froze staring down at the mess before him. He fell to his knees as he just cried and cried. He could hear footsteps behind him and he frowned knowing exactly who it was.

"Are you ok, Rayband?" Remus chuckled as he tried to wipe the tears away only smearing blood onto his cheeks. "Should I... Should I call them?" Remus nodded as he just stared at the mess. "Where's that twin of yours?"

"Dealing with another soon to be corpse." Remus chuckled as he sat up and just stared up at the ceiling.

"I don't think you're ok, Rayband." Remus sighed as he shook his head. "This one was gruesome."

"Death usually is here." Remus took in a deep breath as he stood himself up and nudged the mangled corpse with his foot. "Regardless... you're not wrong. I can't even call it a body anymore. That just proves he cried for to much."

"Who?" Remus shook his head as he walked off only to disappear before he could reach the other in the doorway holding a landline. The man stood there with this look in his light amber eyes. He sighed and turned away from the scene closing the door behind him to make sure none of the other young ones saw. 

"Yo, your bish is busy..."

"We need some assistance." The line went silent for a bit before a sad sigh came through.

"Was it Ray?" 

"Yeah... but Roman too I think. We need a cleanup job but... Dude, there are kids here too."

"WHAT?! Where the hell is Thomas then..."

"You know damn well those boys won't talk to their father!" The man yelled through the phone before tensing and letting out a soft groan. "Please Joan? There's... a pretty big... mess here."

"I'll be right there."

*Discontinued* Murder HouseWhere stories live. Discover now