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Trigger Warning- Bullying, Violence, shooting

For the most part, Virgil had been avoiding everyone. Only Janus had really seen him, as he knew what was going on. Virgil could trust Jan to understand but... He didn't know what to do. Remus... His sweet but yet sometime over the top friend was a... was a... a killer. Virgil had read pretty much every article he could on the shit. He watched every video and cried so many times over it.

"We're here with Richard Deja and Emily Marcos who were close friends with the late Roman's brother. I take it you have a few things to say?" Virgil was already tearing up, having seen this video quite a bit of times. 

"Yes... Roman was... well he was very kind."  Virgil frowned seeing the way Richard looked over at Emily, tears in his eyes. "He was always so caring. He'd help those who were younger or in need. He really was the Prince of Harrington High."

"He was the sort of person who would put himself out to help someone else." Emily continued as Richard leaned into her for support. "He always had a smile on his face. He just lit up a room when he came in. he was always laughing and singing and... We all cared about him very much..."

"YOU FUCKING LIARS!" The group suddenly jumped as Remus ran over only to be caught by someone who held him back. He looked terrible. He had these bruised and puffy looking eyes. His skin was paled as if he was sick... his hair was a total mess. "You didn't give a shit about him. You made his life a living fucking hell!" The report quickly tried to pull the attention back to her as Remus struggled and kicked and screamed... "It's your fault he's dead! You killed him. YOU KILLED HIM!" The video ended with Remus getting thrown to the ground screaming and crying about his brother.

"Roman? Why are we talking about the pansy?" The next video clicked on and Virgil rolled his eyes seeing the same kids from before Richard and Emily... there were a few more obviously. There was a whole group of them. "He's a total loser. I mean the guy prances around the stage like a bitch."

"I feel bad for Remus." Another girl laughed as she shook her head. "Did you hear about Roman's latest part. He's peter pan." The whole group broke down in giggles as the camera shifted about. It was clear the video was being recorded without the group's knowledge. "Peter fucking Pan... Roman's a damn freak."

"He's a joke. The prince of Harrington high? Please. He's nothing but a gay wannabe actor. It's pathetic." Richard rolled his eyes as he looked about the group. "He'll learn his place eventual...ly." The camera jumped and suddenly voices yelled out. "Kai you bitch get back here."

"You're all assholes!" The video cut out just as the person holding the camera ducked into a tunnel thing. Virgil couldn't stop shaking. Of course, he just sat and waited as a new video came up.

"Stop freaking out, you're going to do fine." Virgil's breath left him the moment he heard Remus laugh. Roman sat there smiling weakly as he fumbled with his prince suit. "Roamie, please relax."

"Ray, I am. I am. I promise it's just..." He was definitely not relaxed. Virgil could see how Roman's hands shook. His eyes darted all over his reflection as if taking in every imperfect he could find. 

"You look fine, Ro." Ray nodded as his Father shifted making the camera move. Thomas was the one recording it all. "You're going to do great."

"Roamie, is going to do better than great. He was made for this role." Remus beamed as he jumped about excitedly. "You're the best performer I know, Roman. You're going to knock them all dead."

"I just don't know, guys. I've practiced everything for so long but it all still feels like... I'm missing something." Thomas sighed as Remus quickly pulled his twin in with a soft look in his eyes. 

"You're going to do fine. Even if it isn't absolutely perfect... even if you still feel like you did something wrong... You're a better actor then you give yourself credit for. Besides..." Remus pulled away and brushed back Roman's blonde hair with a smile. "We'll be in the audience watching you, Roamie. You won't be alone." Virgil couldn't stop the way he broke down over that. Knowing what happens to him... Virgil couldn't stop the tears over Roman's soft smile. He was in so much pain. Virgil could see it. 

"Break a leg, Kiddo!" Thomas yelled out as Roman ran off towards stage. 

"He's gonna do great." Remus sighed happily as Thomas let the camera drop, stoping the video. Virgil was frozen there. He couldn't move but... he couldn't deal with the silence. There were no more videos on queue. He couldn't deal with the silence.

"J-Janus?" Virgil's hands shook as he held the phone up to his ear and bit his lip. He knew this was pointless. The last thing he knew his friend would ever do comes anywhere near this place. "Jan..."

"Yeah, sorry. I'm here." Janus laughed on the other end as the sound of a microwave beeping caught Virgil's attention. "What's up, Virgil?"

"M-My father's out of town for a while." Virgil's eyes darted about the room as he felt his lungs started to tighten in him. "H-He had t-to go back to LA to clear something over with my mom."

"Wait, your father left you home alone?" Virgil sighed as he forced himself to sit back on the bed.

"Well, not r-really. He asked T-Thomas to check in and watch me c-cuz he's right next door, b-but..."

"Virgil, what's wrong?"

"I don't want to be here by myself." The line went dead and Virgil could feel his anxiety getting the better of him as he anxiously got back up to pace. "It's to quiet here and I don't know... I can't just leave. Dad's not here and he would freak out if Thomas stopped by and I was just not here."

"V-Virg-gil..." Virgil's breath hitched as Janus's voice shook horribly on the other end. "Y-You w-want me to..."

"I'm scared, Janus." Virgil frowned as his tears fell making him furiously try to wipe them away. "I don't want to be alone."

"Ok." Virgil froze up at the silent voice that squeaked through the speaker. "I-I-I'll be over as s-soon as I c-can."

*Discontinued* Murder HouseWhere stories live. Discover now