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Quinn Hayes lived alone. Had been since she was eighteen, and wasn't planning on changing her situation. She liked being alone. No one to tell you what to do and no people to judge your actions, no matter how cliche it might sound. But it got a little creepy sometimes. Especially when it was the middle of the night and you heard the bushes next to your house rustling. Quinn had only been able to hear it because of her werewolf hearing, so she climbed out of bed, put on her red bomber jacket over her pyjama and walked outside.

Glowing her eyes a vibrant golden color, Quinn could see clearly in the dark. The woman walked towards the small forest next to the house but she heard footsteps behind her. She spun around quickly and was met by an older woman. Quinn stared at her for a moment before she felt a pinch in the side of her neck and the next thing she knew, she passed out.

    "Agárrenla." The woman commanded and someone picked up the werewolf, throwing her in the back of a black van.


Quinn groaned as she sat up slowly, still weak from the injected wolfsbane. She had no idea how she got here but she did know she was going to hurt someone, badly. Quinn, surprisingly, didn't react while to getting kidnapped in the middle of the night and being injected with wolfsbane, which was poisonous to werewolves, by the way. Also, she was kind of short-tempered.

The Hayes girl looked around while sitting on the cold floor. The room almost looked industrial, everything was grey and there were thick pillars to hold up the ceiling. The only color came from the large, brown door and the dirty spots on the walls. And if she squinted, she could spot claw marks around the door. These guys needed to clean this room, pronto.
    Quinn's hair was dirty and her clothes were covered in dirt. And to think that this was her favorite shirt, well pyjama shirt anyway. The girl tried to listen for clues but everything got blurred together because of the wolfsbane still in her system. She let out a frustrated groan and banged her head against the wall behind her.

Someone must had heard that because the large door opened and a woman accompanied by three buff men walked in, their faces smug. Quinn looked up and glared as she saw the face of the same woman from the night before.

"Where's the funeral?" Quinn asked, cocking her head to the side while looking at their dark attires. The older woman crouched down.
    "Oh, Loba. You are going to help us so much." The woman said and Quinn laughed dryly.
    "If you needed my help you should've just knocked, like a normal person. Now I'm feeling not so cooperative." Quinn pouted her bottom lip. She realized she wasn't gonna get away, so acting cocky really was her only play here.

"We know your history with the Hale family," Quinn frowned, she hadn't had contact with the surviving member in seven years. "You are going to tell us where Derek Hale is."
    The frown on Quinn's face deepened into a involuntary scowl at the sound of the name, "You think I know where he is? I haven't seen the little bastard in seven years." The hunter put her hand in the air and signaled for the three men to take the werewolf with them.

Quinn was still too weak to stand, let alone fight, so the men dragged her out of the room and bound her to a steel chair. Blowing her dirty hair out of her face, Quinn glared at the hunter.

"We know you don't know where he is. You, Loba, are just... un medio para un fin." Quinn stared at the woman in confusion. She understood Spanish, but how was she a means to an end? What end?
    "Let me elaborate. There are people in this building right now, looking for Derek Hale. And you, Quinn Hayes, are going to help us get the information we need. Because, Scott McCall would do anything for family." Before Quinn could question anything, she was injected with wolfsbane, again and she passed out, again. There was no way this could be good for her health.

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