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One by one the bright lights turned on with a bang, giving light to the lacrosse field and the bleachers that were already filled with family and friends of the lacrosse players.
    "Hmm... I don't know... I mean, Scott's a pretty fast runner, but he's been having trouble aiming. Or playing, in general." Quinn said to Coach Finstock as both of them were at one of the benches, going over their strategies just a few minutes before the game. They were totally prepared.

Coach nodded, thoughtful, "What about... uh... the girl.. What's her name?"
    "Kira." Quinn quickly answered for him.
    "Yeah, her. She has a strong throw. So if we make sure she passes the ball when she gets it."

Quinn stood up, brushing her old lacrosse jersey off. She thought that this was the perfect occasion to break out the old uniform. For some reason, she could never get rid of it.


    "I think it's best if we put that kid Garret on the bench first." Quinn casually added, her voice distasteful. Scott still wanted to be completely sure that it was Garret assassinating people, but Quinn was pretty sure about it. Her gut isn't wrong very often.
    Coach chuckled comically, "He's a great player, he stays." He waved his hand before walking away.

Quinn sighed before going over to where Scott and Kira were sitting but she was abruptly stopped as she picked up a scraping noise with her superhearing.
    "God dammit..." she muttered, frowning, "what the hell are they doing here." Quinn quickly glanced at the players before sighing in frustration and running towards the front of the school.

As she arrived at the entrance, she saw the entrance to the Hale vault open. The woman immediately walked down the stairs, sensing two people. And let it be that those two men were the ones she hated the most.
    Chris Argent and Derek Hale.
    God fucking dammit. It's always him, isn't it? Quinn thought. She really should've just gone back to the game, but something made her wanna know why they were here. Call it innocent curiosity.

    "What the fuck are you two doing here?" She spoke up loudly after successfully sneaking up on them. She crossed her arms, glaring suspiciously.
    "What are we doing here? What are you doing here?" Derek shot back before adding, "And why are you wearing your lacrosse jersey?"
    "I asked first. And can you not hear the scrimmage going on right now?" She said before muttering under her breath, "fucking idiot."

Derek rolled his eyes, breathing out before grabbing something out of a box and holding it out it Argent, who Quinn had been ignoring up to this point.
    "We're here for this." Derek replied to Quinn's question. "This is what Kate was after." Quinn frowned as she took a step closer, looking at the triskelion in confusion. Her hand immediately went to her necklace.
    "The triskelion?" She questioned.
    Derek nodded, "We use it to teach young Betas how to control the shifts on the full moon." He explained to Argent.
    "Control was never one of Kate's strength." Argent said, gazing at the round object and handed it back to Derek.

Quinn noticed the look on Argent's face. He already knew about it. And this just confirmed it.
Derek seemed to notice it too, "You knew she was alive, didn't you?" He asks.
"Not for certain... but I've been searching ever since you handed me the shotgun shell." Argent took something out of his pocket, a shotgun shell. Probably the one they were talking about. The more they talked, the more Quinn was figuring out exactly what the hell was going on.

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