Chapter 31

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Alex's P. O. V.

"Alex! Young lady!"

"Please, dad. Let me go. I'm fast enough to catch up with them!"

"How are you planning to do that? You don't even have a horse!"

"I do have a horse and I have a dragon!"

My father hesitated for a second, "Alright go."

I ran to my room and geared up. Once I was done, I ran out to the courtyard.

"I summon thee, Sterling the Silver Dragon, Guardian of Rivendell, Daughter of the Rivers, Queen of the Skies, Mistress of Fire!" my voice boomed, strong, wild wind blew making my hair fly. I looked up. A silver dragon let out a loud roar.

It saw me and flew down. I bowed. She copied my move.

"It's good to see you again, old friend," I placed my hand on her nose. She smiled and gestured me to get on her.

She helped me up.

"Sterling. We have to find Legolas and we have to do it fast."

With no hesitation, she took off. I held on to the thin cloth around her neck. I did not want to get her a harness because she's was born free and she deserves to be free. But at least both of us agreed on one thing.

Quote Of The Day = Born free, fly free.

It didn't take a long time until we found Legolas. He was easy to spot. All you had to find was orcs and elves fighting, don't forget two elves fighting somewhere away from the crowd.

Sterling swooped down. She landed, making the ground shake. I hopped off and pulled out my sword. With one swift move, I killed the orc in my path. I killed all the orcs in my path, especially the ones which prevented me from saving Legolas.

I saw Legolas on the ground, groaning in pain. Gathean lifted up his dagger. Without hesitating, I pulled out a throwing knife and threw it at Gathean. It stabbed his hand.

He let out a scream and dropped the dagger. Legolas kicked it away. His leg swiped across the ground causing Gathean to fall backwards. I ran over.

Gathean tried to take out another weapon from his boot. I send a punch to his face, well mostly aiming for the nose. He passed out.

I helped Legolas up. His arms wrapped around me. I hugged him back.

"I'm so glad, you're alright." I said.

He kissed my cheek.

"Let's go kick some orc butt," I said. I handed him two elven daggers as he lost his weapons.

We ran towards the fighting orcs and elves. Many orcs were slayed. Many elves were severely injured. The battle ended.

"Get the wounded on horses." Legolas commanded. He looked around, I could see that he was worried. His eyes landed on me. His eyes sparkled in joy and ran towards me, embracing me in a tight hug.

"Don't you ever, knock me out and run away again!" he said.

"When will you learn, Legolas? I'm as stubborn as a dwarf."

"And rebellious."

The whole world stopped when he was there.

"Legolas. What do we do with the traitor?" I asked. He pulled away.

"We take him back, lock him up in the dungeon, and when we get back, we let my father decide on what we should do with him."


I called Sterling, and told her to take Gathean. I climbed on to her. She flew up, giving me a perfect view of the school. It wasn't far, probably 2 miles from here.

As soon as all of them were mounted on their horses, I gestured them to follow me. It took quite awhile to reach campus.

Once we were there, I quickly rushed in, calling for help. By the end of the day, the hospital wing was packed with injured elves. My father, Lady Galdriel, my brothers, and myself help with the healing. Surprisingly there was a lot of Athelas, or Kingsfoil, growing in the fields by Hagrid's hut.

Later that night, I helped Legolas clean his wounds. It was just small cuts on his face.

"All done," I said.

"Thanks, love," he planted a soft kiss on my lips.

He took off his shirt. I could stare at his abs the whole night but there's a lot of things running in my mind right now. And... it's not an excuse to stare at his abs the whole day right?


Small cuts on Legolas' bootiful face is a big deal. Just saying XD


No matter what excuse you give, there's still no valid excuse to not stare at his abs.







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