Chapter 8-Edens question.

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Bull woke up to Grant rubbing Edens back. Making calming noises in her sleep when Eden stirred. She calmed her even when she did not know she was doing it. He knew then that Grant should be a mom. Somehow some way. She had it in her to nurture. He doubted she even seen it in herself. His feelings for her were a bit confusing. He knew that he cared for Grant. Loved her even. They were brothers but he could see other kinds of love. Not the same kind of love he felt for Eden but the kind of love that comes from a place of understanding and always having her back. The kind that was not sexual but could be in the sense that he could love her for how she made Eden feel. Hell lets not lie to himself Grant had a body that just did not quit. She was strong, her arms and legs and abs were muscled but not in a manly way. Then he looked at her breasts and face, ass. They were all woman.Soft and inviting It was hard to miss her lady bits. She kept it trimmed. He knew he would never get the chance to be with her like that but it did not stop him from admiring her. He fell back asleep and woke to wonderful smells. Breakfast.

Grant was behind Eden kissing her neck while Eden has squirming around while trying to flip french toast. "So this is how breakfast is going to go, cause if that's the routine I get tomorrow morning. By the way I checked my messages. We are leaving in four days. A few longer then we thought but something came up. Is that OK" He asked the two as he took a seat at the bar.

 They nodded and Grant poured him fresh squeezed juice. Eden served them but when she went to sit down Bull pulled her into his lap. She went with it and fed him. She loved doing that for him. It made her feel like she was taking care of them. They decided that because it was raining out they would watch movies and chill. Close themselves in and veg out. 

That worked until Grants mom came over and demanded that they all make there "Happy asses" over to her house for dinner. Not even batting an eye at the what she witnessed. Grant and Bull had Eden between them on the bed and they were full on making out. Tongue and all. When she left Eden was the first to speak up. "What do I say when she asks what we are?" her voice quaking. How the hell could she tell a perfect stranger when she had no clue what was going on other then it felt good.

"I'm going to tell her that your our woman Eden. Leave it at that. My mom knows I want no part of being with a male for the most part. So it wont surprise her I'm with you. Your with Bull too so it makes sense. Your our Girlfriend. We don't need to explain it. Trust me she wont care. As long as she see's us smile she wont give a shit." Grant explained to Eden.

"What do you mean most part? Please do explain" Eden asked her. Wondering if there was something she has missed.

"its hard to explain. I'm gay, umm yeah umm. Well I am still a virgin in the clinical sense. I have not ruled out having children of my own. I have a mom clock like most woman do. Mine is ticking sorta and there is no way in hell that I having a turkey baster baby. No thanks. So I am not saying I will never be with a man. Its complicated. Can we do this another time please." Grant begged. Over the last few days she had begun to look at Bull in a new way. Sorta. Where the thought of man kissing her made queezy. Him kissing her it did not. She was confused. More now then ever.

"Yeah but one question, could you ever be with Bull? Bull could you ever get with Sam?" Eden asked them. Bull wished he was anywhere but here. Hell he would be blind not to find Grant attractive.body. She would castrate him for even thinking it. He waited for Grant to answer first so he did not make her feel uncomfortable,

" Hmm. I don't know. Never say never. Bull is one of the more attractive of the male species. I mean maybe. That's all I can say. Its hard for me to think of a guy getting near my bits but its not like it scares me or makes me run for the hills. If I had to have one go near me like that Yeah I would probably choose him. Now can I go take a shower? I feel humiliated" Grant answered. Sure that she has just spilled her darkest secret.

"Grant it makes you feel any better I'm with you on this. Your good looking but your Grant. Off limits to me so I have never thought about you like that I mean not really. I think Eden here was just wondering." Bull told them trying to take away the conversation that was making Grant want to run. 

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