Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

My parents are going to kill me for being late. They told me I couldn’t have the car tonight so I’m stuck walking home and it’s already after eleven. I lost track of time at Cameron’s we were just watching a movie but it’s not like my parents are going to believe me. His mom wouldn’t let him drive me home because she’s afraid he might get in an accident. Shows how much she cares about me.

I finally made it to the creek I stopped to look over the edge. School starts back up tomorrow and I start my junior year. I started walking again and thought about the future. What am I going to do? Where am I going to live? Am I going to still be with Cameron or are we going to break up before then? I don’t even know what college I want to go to.

I got home and the lights were still on. I walked into the living room and my parents were sitting on the couch.

“Do you know what time it is?” My mom yelled. I’m surprised she didn’t wake up Andy or Lexy.

“I lost track of time.”

“Then why didn’t you call?”

“My phone died.”

“Why didn’t you use their phone?”

“I didn’t think to ask.” I walked to the stairs.

“Spencer get back here.” My dad yelled.

“Okay I know I should have told you I was running late but I forgot. Now can I go to bed I had to walk all the way back here because you wouldn’t let me use the car.”

“Fine, but you’re grounded for the rest of the week. No friends and no Cameron.”

“Fine.” I went upstairs to my room; got changed into my usual pajama pants and tank-top. I got in bed and read until I fell asleep.

I woke up to my alarm and went to get a shower. But Andy was still in the bathroom. “Andy hurry up, other people need to get showers.”

“Hold on.” I walked back to my room and pulled out a t-shirt and jeans from my closet. Andy finally came out of the bathroom and I went and got my shower. I finished getting ready, when I was done and went down stairs to get a cup of coffee.

“Mom can I drive the car to school?”

“No, Andy’s driving it.”

“He drove it last year and I told Cameron I would pick him up.”

“Well you’ll just have to see if Andy will pick him up.” Andy was in the kitchen making his breakfast.

“Andy, can we pick up Cameron for school?”

“Sure, but we’re picking up Brooke first.”

“Fine.” I texted Cameron that we were going to pick him up after we picked up Brooke; neither of us liked Brooke, but we put up with her.

After I brushed my teeth and grabbed my bag from my room we left. When we got to Brookes house Andy made me get in the back. None of us talked, she didn’t like me anymore then I liked her. It’s times like these when I wish I had my own car. We got to Cameron’s house and he came right out and got in the back with me. It was a very quiet ride to school. When we got their we parked in the student parking lot. Cameron and I walked to the cafeteria and sat at a table with my friends.

Most of my friends are different, even I’m different. Not in the traditional sense most of my friends are popular. I mean Charlie is a werecat, she turns cat like. She gets claws, her eyes change and her senses are heightened. Ashby is an immortal witch, meaning she will live forever and Ashley is a witch. Yeah their both witches and Ashley could probably find a spell or something to turn her immortal. Ashby’s mom is a witch and her dads immortal but both of Ashley’s parent’s witches, I think her dad is a wizard or warlock or something like that. Cameron is a shadow soul; it’s kind of backwards from a werewolf. Cameron turns on a new moon instead of a full moon; he’s never really told me what happens except that his shadow takes control of his body. Gale is the only normal one, she had the potential to be like us but it just never happened. I don’t know what her parents are; she doesn’t really talk about them. They abandoned her when she was little and left her with her aunt who is normal like her.

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