Chapter 17

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*Sorry for taking so long, again. I'm reading through it now and editing. I know how annoying it is when people never update so i'll try to be more on time with this story, no promises thought*

About an hour later his phone went off and then mine did to. It was a text from someone I didn’t know. When I opened the text it was from Tristan he told me to come to his house. I showed it to Travis and he nodded and showed me his phone it had the same message.

I got up and grabbed my jacket.

“Where are you going?” Andy asked and I knew I had to come up with a lie quick.

“I have to go meet with Ashby about a project and Travis is coming to.” I texted Ashby, Charlie, Gale and told them not to call my house and ask for me and that I would explain later.

“Let’s go.” We walk outside and I saw that his bike was there. “Your bike or my car?”

“We can take my bike, I’ll drive you home.” We walked to his bike but his helmet wasn’t there.

“So why does he want us?” I asked him.

“He likes to make sure you’ll do what he says without him making you.”

“So he wants to feel in charge.” He got on and I got on after him. When we got there I went right in side and Lilly and Matt were sitting in the living room.

“Good you’re here?” Tristan said as he walked in the room.

“Is there an actual reason were here?” I asked him.

“Not really.” He told me and had a small smile.

“Okay, I’m leaving then. I have things to do.” I turned to leave but I stopped. It wasn’t me that made me stop. I turned back to them and Tristan, Matt, and Lilly were smiling. He knew I would react this way to being here.

“This is why I have these little meetings. I tell you to come here and you come on your own. Then you stay until I tell you to leave and if that doesn’t work I make you stay. It’s like a trust exercise but it’s so you’ll understand who’s in charge.”

“Tristan, she didn’t know the rules.” Sofia said.

“Well now she does.” He grinned.

“So give her back control.” My body relaxed and I turned towards Travis.

“Why did you join them in the first place?”

“Some people were after me and Tristan said he could help.”

“Did he?”

“Yeah, but everything he does comes at a price.”

“You’re making me seem like the bad guy.”

“You are the bad guy.” I told him then asked. “When can I leave?”

“When I say so,” I sat on the couch and Travis sat next to me.

“This is what I got into when I joined, sitting on a couch with people I hate in a house filled with people I hate.”

“What about me?” he asked smiling.

“I’m mad at you right now, you could have told me I had to wait for him to say I could leave.” I crossed my arms but I felt like a child who just got yelled at. He laughed at me and I turned to glare at him.

“Either way you would have tried to leave.” He said and after a second I realized he was right.

“Yeah, but at least I would have been prepared.”

Spencer Smith Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now