Chapter 3

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The next morning I got ready for school, I was going to have to deal with Cameron and Ashley today and I have to ride to school with Andy and Brooke, this day just keeps getting better.

When we got to school I went to the cafeteria and sat at my table. Ashley and Cameron were their but didn’t say anything to me.

“What happened after you left?” Ashby asked.

“I’ll talk to you about it later.” I told her and everyone at are table who didn’t know what was happening looked suspicious.

“Whose house are we talking about?” Charlie asked.

“It’s nothing.” I told them trying to not have this conversation.

“What did you go see him again last night?” Ashley asked and I could have punched her for it.

“Wait, are you talking about the guy from the bar?” Charlie asked.

Ashley said “Yes” the same time I said “No”.

“Well which one is it?”

“She is, were not.” I said pointing to Ashley then to Ashby and me.

“Why is she then?”

“Because Spencer has apparently been with him two nights in a row.” Ashley said before I could say anything.

“No I haven’t, I haven’t seen him since the bar. Ashby was talking about when I left her house yesterday and if everyone wants to know my business I was there because I spent the night.”

“Okay then why was she talking about the guy then?” Gale asked confused.

“Ashley wants to make me look bad and apparently everyone believes whatever that bitch says.” I pointed to Ashley.

“Okay what’s going on?” The bell rang then. “We are all meeting at the coffee shop after school, no exceptions.” She said looking to Ashley, Ashby, and then me. We all left and went to are classes which mine just happened to be with Cameron. Can this day get any worse?

We all knew what would happen if we didn’t show up. We would get kicked out of the group, which would leave you on your own. We had settled on the rules when we all figured out we were the same but different. It was so if someone did something against a member they would be heard. And if someone who was involved didn’t show up then they would never be heard by a member again. If you weren’t involved in the problem we just didn’t talked to you for two weeks to a month, it matters what you are to see how much time you get.

We all met at the coffee shop I walked with Ashby and told her what happened, so I would have at least one person starting off on my side. We ordered are drinks then sat at one of the tables outside.

“How are we starting this?” Charlie asked. Charlie and Gale we standing while Cameron and Ashley sat on one side of the table and Ashby and I on the other.

“Well it looks like there are already sides. So how ‘bout we flip a coin to see who goes first and let the chaos keep things interesting.” We did the coin toss and Ashley won. I wonder what lies she’s starting with.

“Well, Spencer has been cheating on Cameron with the guy from the bar.”

“No I haven’t, I haven’t seen him since the bar.”

“Why would you admit you cheated? She wasn’t at home when Cameron went to visit her Saturday night.”

“I already said I was at Ashby’s house.”

“Okay just so were all on the same page, why were you at Ashby’s house?” Charlie asked.

“Cameron was being a jerk so I went to my friend to talk.”

Spencer Smith Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now