Chapter 5

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“What happened after I left yesterday?” Ashby asked me as I sat down I the table.

“Nothing.” I told her but I knew she didn’t believe me.

“Well Brooke’s going around saying he was at your house and you were all over each other.” Everyone else at the table joined our discussion.

“Is this about the guy?” Charlie asked. “I heard something about you and a guy but I didn’t think it was the same one.”

“Yes it is the same guy, no we weren’t all over each other, and I barely know him.”

“So he was at your house.” Gale asked.

“Yeah.” This is not going to end well I can feel it now.

“So are you going to tell us what happened and why he was at your house?” Charlie asked and everyone looked like they wanted to know too.

“Ashby and I ran into him at the coffee shop again, Ashby decided she was going to abandoned me, so we talked.”

“How did he end up at your house?”  

“I got mad and he wanted to know what was wrong, so he followed me outside and I told him what happened.”

“Did you tell him everything?” Gale asked. Charlie and Gale were the leaders of the group right now since they didn’t have anything to do with the two sides.

“No I just told him why I was upset.”

“So what happened?”

“He walked me home, I asked him if he wanted to hang out and we watched TV with Andy and Brooke.”

“Nothing else happened?”

“No, I hung out with him because I didn’t want to be alone with Andy and Brooke.” The bell rang and the whole day people were talking about how I was now dating the guy that I cheated on Cameron with, no one knows his name they call him “the guy”. Cameron didn’t talk to me and all of his friends started calling me “the slut”. They may not have the best imaginations but it still hurt. After school as I was walking out of the building when I saw a red and black bike. I walked to the side walk and the person on the bike moved to where I was headed. They took off their helmet and it was Travis. I walked towards him hoping no one was watching me.

“What are you doing here, I told you I hung out with you because my friends were busy.”

“I remembered you said your car needs fixed so I thought I’d give you a ride home.” He grinned.

“I’m fine walking.” I looked away and people were starting to watch us.

“Why won’t you take the ride?” he asked clearly confused and oblivious to the people watching us.

“In case you haven’t noticed everyone is watching me and they have their phones out.”

“They’re just jealous I’m not talking to them.” He grinned and I almost laughed.

“No, they’re watching me, because now I’m the school slut instead of just the school cheater.” He got off the bike and put the kick stand down.

“What are you doing?” He put his arm around my waist and pulled me along as he walked up to the school.

“Just wait and see. Where’s your locker?”


“I told you wait and see.” I walked to my locker which was in the hall way that’s always crowded, but as we walked it was like the red sea parting. I got to my locker and someone had written ‘SLUT’ on the front of it in big black letters.

Spencer Smith Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now