Chapter 12

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“Can we talk bad about Cameron now?” Charlie asked 

“You can, I’m going to get something to drink.” I got up and Travis followed me downstairs. My sister was still watching TV, but my mom was gone. I got a cup and filled it with water.

“Are you okay?” he asked and I leaned against the counter facing him.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I took a drink of my water and set my cup down.

“Are you sure?” he asked and he looked like he really wanted to know the truth. Not that he was asking because it was the right thing to do.

“I just have trouble talking about him.” I said and I could feel my voice beginning to crack.

“I get it.”

“How can you get that I broke up with my boyfriend because he was being a possessive jerk? I wasn’t ready for it to end but it had to.” My sadness switched to anger in a flash.

“I’ve watched people I love die, I wasn’t ready to let them go but I didn’t have a choice.” I grabbed my water and took another drink. “You don’t have to apologize for exploding; you’ve acted really calm through the whole thing. You deserve to yell at someone.” He smiled.

“Thanks, we should probably get back upstairs. Before they think you followed me down here for some other reason.” We walked back upstairs and when I opened the door they stared at us.

“What were you two doing?” Charlie asked hoping for something good.

“She needed a minute.” And I sat back in my chair.

“Then why did you go?” she asked suspicious.

“You don’t remember what it was like for me when I first moved here do you?” I asked her.

“What does that have to do with anything?” Gale asked.

“I didn’t have any friends and my family didn’t help. Cameron got me through that rough patch.”

“So I’m the same as Cameron?” Travis asked.

“You’re helping me when I need someone, so, yeah. But if you get possessive I will I will start a fight and of course I will win.”

“Do I have a reason to be possessive?” He asked smiling. I knew what he was really saying, was there an ‘us’.

“No.” I shook my head and I heard a chorus of sighs.

“Can you just start dating him; I’m getting real tired of waiting.”

“Charlie, can you shut up.” Ashby told her. My door opened and we all started talking about history.

“I bought pizza for you guys since you’re so busy studying.” She walked in as far as she could and Travis grabbed the pizza.

“Thanks mom.”

“Weren’t you here before?” She asked him.

“Yeah, a few weeks ago and then again yesterday.” He smiled politely.

“You look to old to be a junior?” she asked and I knew she didn’t think he went to school with us. She’s a mom and somehow they know all.

“Charlie’s a senior and she’s in are class?” I told her quickly but she didn’t look at me.

“So you’re a senior?”

“Mom we need to get back to studying.” She left but now she knew I was trying to hide something from her, well I was always keeping something from her. But this would be easier for her to figure out.

Spencer Smith Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now