Chapter 19

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“What did Tristan want?” I asked Travis, but it wasn’t him it was Matt. “Great, just what I need the day after I died.”

“Calm down I’m here to talk to Keegan. Tristan wants to see you.”

“I told Travis I would stay with her to make sure you or Lilly don’t threaten her.”

“She’s fine; you’d better go before Tristan gets even more upset with you.”

“I have to go, are you okay for right now?” he asked turning back to me.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” He left but Matt stayed.

“What do you want Matt? I don’t feel like dealing with your crap today.” I glared at him.

“I came to tell you that Travis left.”

“Okay.” I went to grab my phone but I remembered that one of the guys destroyed it. “You can go now.”

“I thought we were playing musical chairs with who gets to babysit you.” he grinned and sat in the chair.

“Just go if you’re going to be a jerk.”

“Fine, but before I go have to know why did you get killed.”

“Do you really care?” I asked annoyed but if it would make him leave I would tell him my entire life story.

“No, but I’m curious.” She shook his head then smiled.

“Fine, since your part of the group I’ll tell you, it was my ex and his new girlfriend who’s also his ex before me.”

“Why do they want you dead?” he asked and looked interested.

“I don’t really know that.”

“You must have done something horrible though.” He grinned.

“I broke up with him, because he was being a jerk.”

“All guys are jerks.”

“At times yes, but he was a jerk all the time. Are you done asking me questions?”

“Fine,” he left and I sat there wishing I had my phone or a book so I wouldn’t be so bored. I fell asleep and when I woke up my friends were in my room.

“Did we wake you up?” Ashby asked.

“I don’t think so.” I rubbed my eyes and looked around the room.

“Where’d Travis go?” I asked I remember he left last night but I didn’t know where he went.

“We don’t know. We though you knew.” Gale said and Charlie and Ashby agreed.

“He left last night to do something for Tristan I must have fallen asleep waiting for him.”

“No offence Spence but you look like shit.” Charlie told me smiling.

“Thanks, that’s just what I’m worried about after I died, make up and how my hair looks.” I said sarcastically.

“While you’re here where your boyfriend can see you I think that should be at the top of your to do list.”

“I didn’t bring any makeup, clothes, or a brush.” I told them, I didn’t even bring my bag from school.

“I went to your house yesterday before your parents got home and grabbed some of your stuff.” She grabbed a bag from in front of the bed.

“There’s a bathroom down the hall.” Ashby told me pointing to her left.

“Okay, if Travis comes back while I’m gone tell him to go eat.” They looked confused. “Just do it.” I said and stared at them until they agreed.

Spencer Smith Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now