Chapter 22 (Last Chapter)

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*So this is the last chapter of the first book, I have already written the second and third books and am working on the fourth (and probably last) now along with other stories. Like i said before i'm not puting up the second one right away, i'm going to wait and see how many people read all of this and then i'll decide. I am going to put up some short stories while i wait.*

 Nothing happened for a couple weeks, except that now there was the rumor that I got a tattoo for my new boyfriend. Then everyone was trying to get me to take my wrist band off. My mom hadn’t figured out what I was hiding from her but she was trying to figure it out. Travis and I would hang out at his house twice a week on the weekdays and anytime we could on the weekends. Tristan would tell us to come over once a week and we would hang out in his old room. I told Tristan about the other group and he told me he would look in to it. But I doubted he really would.

Travis would come over to my house when he wasn’t doing things for Tristan and if Andy wasn’t home we would hang out in my room. My mom yelled at me the first time she came home and caught us sitting on my bed.

“Spencer I thought I told you, you aren’t allowed to have Travis in your room.” She said from my doorway. I she was pissed, she didn’t trust Travis because he was so much older than me.

“I’m tired of Brooke staring at us while were sitting on the couch. After I broke up with Cameron, he started a ton of rumors about me, so Brooke just watches us so she can start new ones.” I said and her expression softened.

She thought about it for a minute then said. “Okay, you can stay up here but I want the door open.” She said and looked at Travis.

“Okay.” She left and I heard her talking to Andy.

Things seemed to calm down when we got texts from Tristan telling us he had some news about the R group.

 I told my mom that we had to go and she looked like she was figuring it out. But I doubt she would guess that I’m part of a group of vampire and we had to leave because they information on another group that Cameron had joined. So that secret is safe until she ever decided to follow us and so we went into a house not a building where people would work; but then she would still be wrong, but I would never be able to leave my house again. Tristan would probably just have Travis make her forget it though.

“What did you find out?” I asked when we got there.

“They don’t have anyone who can control people.” Keegan said from a stool at the island.

“So he was doing it on his own?” I looked at Travis, who just nodded.

“What are they?” Travis asked. I didn’t see Matt or Lilly anywhere, but I knew they couldn’t care less about the group.

“Mainly shadow souls, but they do have a witch.” Tristan said.

“They’re all shadow souls?” I asked shocked I had only ever met one shadow soul and now there are a group of them.

“Yeah, why?” he asked but I knew he didn’t really didn’t care.

“That’s what Cameron is, it could be his family.” They looked at me. “How dangerous are they?”

“They have worst tempers then brownies.” Tristan told me. “Why do you asked?”

“Cameron’s the one who killed me, and since he did it on his own I’m going to have to deal with him.” I sat on a chair and Travis almost laughed.

“Wow, I never picked you for the revenge type.” Matt said as he walked into the kitchen from the living room.

“Well when someone kills me I tend to want revenge.” I told him then turned back to Tristan. “Did you find out anything else?”

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