Chapter 8

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“I died, last year, a mugger shot me after I saw a movie with Cameron. That’s how I found out what I was, he shot me and Cameron had to take the bullet out so I would come back to life.” He just looked at me. “That’s how I knew to take the knife out of the back of your neck.”

“You died.” He looked like he didn’t believe me.

“Yeah, blood doesn’t really bother me anymore since I woke up covered in my own.”

“Your parents don’t know?”

“No, I haven’t even told them what I am because I don’t want them to abandon me.” His expression softened.

“Okay, if you really want to help clean up my blood, then fine.” He grabbed another rag and put it in the bucket.

“I had to tell my friends what you are.” I told him, it was only right that he knew.

“Okay, I know what they are it’s only fair.”

“Why didn’t you tell me Charlie is a brownie?” I asked and he turned to face me. He leaned against the counter in front of the sink.

“I thought you knew.”

“She didn’t even know.”

“How did you find out then?”

“Keegan told Ashby and me while Gale and Charlie were still unconscious.”

There was a pause then he asked. “How did you know where my apartment building was?”

“Keegan gave me a ride.” I told him and he didn’t say anything for a while.

“Are you friends all right?” he asked as he grabbed the bucket from the sink and walked over to the blood spot. He kneeled on the floor.

“Yeah, I think their fine, Keegan drove them home.” I followed him and kneeled too, across from him, he was lucky he had tile, if it were hardwood or carpet the blood would have gone right through the floor.

After we cleaned up the floor Travis got a shower and right when I though he had gotten over being cocky he asked. “Do you want to join me?”

“No, I’ll just stay here.” I told him as I sat on the couch.

“Suit yourself.” He walked down the hall and pulled his shirt off before he went through a door. I turned on the TV and looked through the channels but nothing good was on, so I went through his recorded list and found a lot of cartoons. I played the first one I knew and waited for him to get done. I heard a door open behind me then the refrigerator open then he sat down next to me. “What are you watching?”

“A show you recorded.” I looked at him and saw what he had gotten out of the fridge.

“I didn’t record anything.” He said and I could guess who had.

“Is that blood?” he laughed at me.

“Yeah, I’m a vampire I drink blood. If it’s a problem I can go somewhere else.” He told me and I was shocked he didn’t tell me to leave.

“I’m fine with it. Can you eat regular food?” I asked, I had never met a vampire before.


“Dose it taste the same?”

“What would it taste like? Just because I’m dead doesn’t mean I can’t eat.”

“Wait, dead?” I asked and I knew that my eyes went wide. He chuckled.

“Yeah, you have to die to become a vampire.” He said trying to straighten his face but failing.

Spencer Smith Series Book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant