Chapter 20

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I texted my friends using Travis’ phone and told them we left and went to Travis’.  I put his phone on the counter then sat next to him on the couch.

“I’m going to have to go home, later.” I sighed and looked at him.

“Yeah I know.” Then I remembered what my mom told me.

“You’re probably going to hate me but, my mom wants you to come to dinner.”

“Why would I hate you?” he smiled and I leaned my head sideways on the back of the couch.

“Just wait until dinner.” I smiled and just looked at him.

“Is she really that bad of a cook?” he grinned and I laughed.

“No, but my family’s that bad.”

“I’ve met them before.”

“Yeah but you were a friend, now were dating. You get to get threatened by my parents and if you were my age probably my brother too. Luckily you’re older than him, but my sister will be hanging around you or she’ll completely avoid you.”

“Didn’t I meet her before?” he asked me.

“Yeah, probably, she’s a brat.” He laughed at me. “You’re just lucky you don’t have siblings.” He stopped laughing, but had a small smile on his lips.

“Your family’s not that bad. Do you want to text your mom and tell her I’m coming?”

“Yeah, so she can see I’m not using my phone, like that would end well.”

“Okay. Do you want me to come with you?”

“Well, I need to get my car from school so you can show up after me. My mom will probably freak out if we show up at the same time.” I told him and grinned. I would love to see my parents faces if we showed up at the same time.

“Okay, so what’s the story?” he asked pulling me out of my head.

“What story?” I asked and lifted my head.

“Am I in college like we said at your school, do I have a job.” He grinned and I couldn’t help but smile back.

“No you’re not in college Brooke already told my mom what I told her. Think of a job if you want one. You could say you work for Tristan and that you got me a job to.”

“You turned us being his slaves and practically being in a cult into jobs.” He said laughing.

“Yep, it’s the best way to explain where I go.”

“Anything else?” he asked.

“I don’t think so, my mom knows about the bike so there’s no hiding that.” I smiled and sighed.

“I thought you don’t let anyone tell you what to do?” he raised an eyebrow and smiled at me.

“I have to listen to my parents. But I will argue if it’s something stupid.” I told him and thought about my most recent argument with my mom.

“What did you argue about with them that was stupid?” he asked and I my expression must have given away why I was thinking about.

“My mom said something about you being too old for me and that I should date a guy my age. She told me Cameron was age appropriate and a nice boy.”

“I think it’s funny that she only thinks I’m four years older than you and I’m too old. Imagine what she would do if she knew my real age.”

“I think she would have a heart attack.” I laughed. We talked for a while, but had to leave so I could go get my car. I texted my friends telling them to hold on to my work, they said okay but I knew I would have to explain why because they all were probably thinking the wrong thing. I left the school first and when I made it home my brother’s car was there. Well at least I can’t get yelled for being here alone. I walked in and Brooke was on the couch next to him. Great.

Spencer Smith Series Book 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon