#14 i love you to

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Sunday June 20th
"I love you to" Daniel says smiling. I'm shook. That went well. "Will you be my girlfriend" Daniel asks. "Yes sirrrrr" I say. You are a dumbass Jordyn. Daniel laughs and pulls me closer to him. So that's how the night went, I got a boyfriend and love him very much, and now we're just cuddling watching nothing cause we turned the TV off.

Monday June 21st
I wake up the next morning and everything that happened last night flows back into my mind. "Hello sweetheart" Daniel says. "Don't call me that. My dad calls me that" I say. "Ok" Daniel says laughing. "So what are we doing today" I say. "Well I kinda have this thing to go to" Daniel says scratching the back on his neck. "The beach to be a lifeguard I know" I say looking down. "Hey look at me Mr.Holten is crazy for failing you. You would of been an amazing lifeguard if he wasn't our teacher" Daniel says "no it's not him it's me I suck at everything in life" I say putting my head in my hands. "No you don't. Jordyn you are a very good swimmer you very funny and cute and kind. You run faster then anyone I've seen before. Your also the best girlfriend I could ask for even though we've been dating for like 10 hours" Daniel day hugging me and I blush. "I don't deserve you" I say.


Me and Daniel got to the beach. "Ok I'm going to head in now" Daniel say giving me a hug "good luck" I say pecking his lips. I sigh. Now what am I gonna do. I take my beach chair from my truck and walk to the sand. I put my chair on the ground and sit there. I see Daniel run out of the lifeguard building with all his gear and he looks kinda hot not gonna lie. He climbs his lifeguard chair and I look away. That could of been me up there if you worked hard enough I tell myself. I just sigh. Daniel sees me and waves at me and a wave back.
It's been like 20 minuets and I've never been to bored in my life. All of a sudden I hear faint screams coming from far away. None of the lifeguards (the lifeguards are basically everyone in the class Alex,Cassie,Lily,Becca,Daniel,Erica, and Camryn and lifeguards that are not new.) seem to notice so I get up to take a closer look. I look out into the ocean and see a little girl drowning. I start to freak out and take my shirt and shorts off that were over my bathing suit. I run out in the water and dive in. I swim out to the little girl and grab on to her waist. She holds onto me very tight and I swim back to shore with her. When I get to the shore i put her on the ground and she runs to her mom and I start to cough a lot. Daniel races over to me rubs my back. "Are you ok" he says looking concerned "yeah I fine" I say. Mr.holten walks over to us "great" I mumble. "Jordyn I need to talk to you" he says. I look at Daniel nervously and walk over to him. "What you did there was brave and amazing. You saved that girl from drowning when none of the lifeguards were paying attention. I'm not letting you retake the test because you have just earned a spot on the lifeguard team" Mr.Holten says and I jump up and down. "Really" I yell and Daniel comes over and hugs me. "I knew you could do it" he's says in my ear. "Thank you so much for saving my little girl" This lady says to me "of course" I say and she hugs me. Best day ever.

A/n 2 chapters published in 1 day didn't see that coming now did you aha. Ok bye

𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮𝓰𝓾𝓪𝓻𝓭 🌊 𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓲𝓮𝓵 𝓢𝓮𝓪𝓿𝓮𝔂Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora