#17 falling apart

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Friday July 1st

Erica is still mad at me for some reason. She knows that I would never do that to her. I miss hanging out with her and her stupid dad jokes. Erica was really starting to become my best friend. Erica told Brooke the story about me "cheating" and Brooke won't talk to me anymore even though Erica knows that I never did. Cassie won't talk to Alex or Camryn or anyone actually. Camryn quit being a lifeguard. Becca moved away to New York for college. Daniel is moving to LA in 2 weeks because of his new band which I'm really happy for him but I'm going to miss him a lot. Mr.Holten hasn't been showing up at the beach lately I have been taking over his shift. So it's really just me, Lily, Alex, and Daniel everyday. No one talks to anyone though. We are all pretty quiet. The lifeguard gang is falling apart.


I'm reading my book and eating my sandwich sitting next to Daniel. It's very quiet no one is speaking. Lily got really sick so she's not here today. I get a text from my phone and see it's from the Lifeguard gang group chat. I look up at Alex and Daniel and they have the same expression on there face as me. Confusion. We haven't talked in that chat for weeks. I open the text and read it out loud. "Hey. From Becca" I say. "Where is she anyway" Alex asks. "She didn't want to be around any of us anymore due to then extreme tension between you and Cassie and Camryn so she left for college early" I say. "Ok people listen up! Non of you are talking to one another and it's kinda weird being here. I have no idea what went wrong but there's only 3 of you left. Lily is not coming back and no she didn't die she just didn't want to be here anymore. I know you guys miss hanging out with each other and having fun times here. So that's why I'm flying all of you guys to New York because Becca can't come here, and yes I mean all of you. Camryn lily and Cassie to. You guys are staying in one big Airbnb together. For a week. Pack up your flight leaves tomorrow" Gigi says coming out if no where. ( R.I.P Kobe and Gigi Rest In Peace Angeles 💔❤️❤️) Gigi is a trainer. She teaches the new young teen group to become lifeguards like me Daniel Alex Cassie Becca Lily and Camryn were. You would think Mr.Holten would teach that but he doesn't he's our teacher. You see ounce a lifeguard in training becomes a lifeguard there teacher sticks with them until they get awarded a trainer. Then that trainer becomes a teacher and trains other lifeguards. We met Gigi on our first week here. She has always been there for us. She's like our older sisters we never had. "No thank you I'm out" Alex says walking away. Gigi stops him "no your going, all of you are. I already had the talk with Camryn and Cassie. They didn't want to go either but they are going to suck it up" Gigi says smiling. "Fine" I say.


I'm at my house packing when Daniel walks threw the door. "Hey bub" I say giving him a hug and a quick kiss. "Hi" Daniel says. "Are you exited about New York" I say sighing "about that. Um I'm not going because me and the band are flying to LA early" Daniel says looking down "how early" I say "tomorrow" Daniel says "WHAT! HOW LONG HAVE YOU KNOWN THIS" I yell. "About a week. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you I didn't want you to be upset" Daniels says grabbing my hand. I yank my hand away "Well that back fires cause now I'm even more mad and scared" "why are you scared bubba" Daniels says sitting next to me "I dont want you to find a new better pretty girl in LA and forget about me" I say tearing up "that's not possible because you are the best and prettiest girl I've even met" Daniels says holding my hand "you say that now then you find another girl" I say looking away "listen to me Jordyn. I will never find another girl. Heck I'm going to marry you one day. You will never be alone Jordyn I'll be with you from disk till dawn" Daniel says "I'll be with you from dusk till dawn" Daniel whispers in my ear knowing that's my favorite song. "I love you" I say giving Daniel a big hug "I love you to" Daniel says hugging me back.

A/n sorry about that very cringy ending "iLl Be WItH FrOm DiSK TILl DaWn" I watch a TikTok with that sound o was in a sappy mood.....k bye

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