#16 Day off

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Wednesday June 30th

"Alright can I get everyone's attention please" Mr.Holten yells standing on a chair. I look up from my book I was reading. "This is for the starters" ( Straters are Jordyn and the people she went to class with. It will go starters then pros then trainers. So like through out the summer your able to bump up and level like Cassie for example could bump up to a pro like next week if she has improved from day 1. You get it?) "You will be ending your shift early I'm not going to say why so don't ask questions" I look at Daniel next to me and he gives me a confused look. "PARTY AT MY HOUSE" Camryn yells and Mr.Holten glares at him. I get all my stuff from my locker and into my backpack and walk outside to my car. "No but like seriously party at my house" Camryn says walking backwards in front of everyone. "Pfft like anyone's gonna come" Alex snaps "we were going to come" Becca says pointing to her Lily and Erica "yeah so was me and Daniel" I say "actually" Alex says looking annoyed "I was going to come to" Cassie says quietly "ok fine I'll come" Alex says "that's my boiii" Camryn yells punching Alex's shoulder and Cassie glares at him. "Woah girlfriend getting defensive" Camryn says giggling and Cassie punches his arm "owie" Camryn says rubbing the spot she punched.


I walk into camryns house with Daniel and im instantly pulled into a dark room "what the fu-" I was cut off "is it true" A voice says who belongs to Erica's "is what true" I say confused and turning on the light "you fucking know what I'm talking about Jordyn. How could you do this to me" Erica says with tears forming in her eyes "I have no idea what your talking about why are you crying" I say worried "Camryn cheated on me with you" Erica yells "what" Daniel says standing in the doorway "no Daniel I-" I was cut off by Erica slapping me across my face and Daniel running out of the house. I storm out of the room very angry and walk up to Camryn and slap his face "ow what the hell Jordyn" Camryn says holding his face "why would you say that to Erica" I yell "say what" he asks "you cheated on Erica and she thinks you did it with me" I say starting to cry "Ew what no Jordyn your my best friend that's gross I did it with Cassie-" Camryn says cutting himself off realizing what he just said "WHAT" Alex yells coming out of the bathroom "CASSIE ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME" "IM SORRY I WAS DRUNK I DIDNT KNOW WHAT I WAS DOING" Cassie yells crying "were you drunk to Camryn" Erica asks "no" Camryn says a looks down and Erica walks out of the house. Alex jumps on top of Camryn and starts to throw punches to him. "Guys stop" I yell trying to pull them apart. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME BITCH I THOUGH WE WERE FRIENDS" Alex yells punching Camryns chest "SHE WANTED IT" Camryn yells throwing Alex into a coffee table.
All of a sudden the cops come running into the house and I I feel my wrist being tightly yanked and pulled out of the house. "We're going home" a voice says sternly that sounds like Daniels. I get inside his car and he pulls off of the drive way. We get to my house and he hasn't said a word to me the whole ride. "Bye" is all Daniel says as I get out of the car.


I run upstairs to my room and slam my door shut and cry myself to sleep. My parents are on a business trip and my older sister is in college in New York. I have no one to talk to right now.
I wake up at 3:00am and can't fall back to sleep. I just look up at my ceiling wondering what I did to make Daniel so mad. He new I didn't cheat on him he heard what Camryn said. I hear my phone buzz signaling that someone was calling me. I answer the phone with out even looking at the caller ID. "I'm so sorry for not trusting you and acting like a dick" Daniel says "it's ok just please come over" my voice says crackling and Daniel hangs up. 10 minuets later I here my front door open and footstep running up the stairs and my bedroom door swing open. I look at Daniel in the door way and start to cry my eyes out. Daniel pulls me into him and gives me a warm hug. We stay like that, cuddling the whole night.

A/N ooooo dramaaaaa. Ok I hope you enjoyed and thanks again for 200 reads 🤧🤧❤️❤️!

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