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"The Japanese say you have three faces. The first face, you show to the world. The second face, you show to your close friends, and your family. The third face, you never show anyone."

3rd POV
The guy stood two meters from the riders as the dragons behind them slowly moved forward.
Snotlout: alright, what the hell?!
Tuffnut: did you just....go from a giant three headed dragon to this.....man?
Hiccup: l-listen, my name is Hi-
?????: is that fear in your voice?
Snotlout: now hold on! You better answer my question, what wa-
The man's eyes turned neon yellow as he held up his hand, a beam just like the golden dragon shot came from it, nailing Snotlout in the chest and putting him to the ground.
?????: you will remain silent.
The man's voice was monotone, there was no sense of emotion at all, with the exception of a slight annoyance on the side of Snotlout, but other than that, he is just monotone.
?????: you.
He pointed at Tuffnut.
?????: how long have I been under the ice?
Tuffnut: I don't know, you were all golden and yellow when we found you, Viggo was the one who pulled you out of the ice.
?????: well.....alright then. I'd also check on your friend, I can hear his heartbeat fading.
Hiccup instinctively pulled out his sword and pointed it at the man.
Hiccup: what did you do to him?
????: I gave him a shock, you can thank Thor for that one.
Hiccup ignited the blade, flames traveling down it. The man turned around and looked at Hiccup.
?????: put the sword down. Now.
Then he said "now" a small bit of the golden dragon roar was heard in it, Hiccup dropped the sword, no thought at all.
Hiccup: how did you?
????: a little trick I learned, now I will give you the chance to go on your dragons and leave.
The "leave" was mixed with the golden dragon while still remaining monotone. Toothless' throat lit up blue and fired it at the man's chest, putting him to the ground. His eyes were still open, he felt the pain but hid it.
Hiccup: is he....alive?
????: no, very dead....is that a night fury?
Hiccup looked at Toothless.
Hiccup: yes.
?????: years ago they were as common as a rose. You hit my chest, hit a nerve, can't get up. I can admit that your dragon is clever.
Hiccup: let's get him back to Berk....who are you?
?????: Y/N.....Y/N L/N.....do what you must... just know that I can transform while even paralyzed like this. I would recommend doing this carefully.....use the Nadder, they are steady with carrying, since I don't believe I'll be behind one of you.
The Riders landed back on Berk and dropped Y/N on the ground.
Gobber: who is this?
Astrid: his name is Y/N, the reason for the storms.
Y/N: I'm not turning it off....the water....it's nice compared to ice.
Gobber walked up to Y/N and went to his face.
Gobber: how did you cause the storm?
Y/N: twenty four hours from now, you will know how. Also, I'd recommend taking the loud mouth somewhere where he can live. He took a hard hit, too much power gone to the head....and everywhere else.
Gobber: throw him in a cell.
Y/N: I can put this whole rock underwater if you think I will be thrown into a cell by these people.
His voice was still monotone, nothing at all.
Gobber: in the cell laddy.
Astrid walked over to Y/N and grabbed him by the arms and pulled him up.
Astrid: let's go.
Y/N: you are threatening the lives of others because you wanted me back here, but I wanted to see the place.
Astrid: quiet!

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