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Grace POV
October 29, 2014-(94)
Today I got to know that boy Cody better. We had lunch together. He told me about how he doesn't have a family and he lives in a motel. I told him that I have cancer but not about how I have a hundred days left to live. After we had lunch, I walked into my room and I saw my mom and dad sitting there they told me about how they needed to go on a business trip for three months. Three months! 8 days before my projected death day! They are going to pick up an go on a trip while their eldest daughter is dying. They have always been his way. I was mad at first when they told me. But then they brought in Casey. Casey jumped on my lap and hugged me. I momentarily was happy until Casey said,
"Did you hear? Mommy and Daddy are taking me across the world to see everything! We are going on a long cruise! It's so cool! And! Mommy and Daddy told me that since you are going away for a while that they are going to get a new little sister for me!"
Then I was furious.
"You're going on a cruise?! That's your big business trip? A vacation? Not only that but you're replacing me? What the heck Mom! Why would you guys do that?! I need your support right now and your abandoning me!"
"Sweetheart, it's not you!" My dad said, "Casey's been under a lot of stress lately with starting at a new school and her goldfish died. You getting sick isn't helping her out much. I mean come on! Two weeks in the general hospital and now long term kids hospital? It's like you're not even trying!"
Something in me snapped. My vision got blurry and I could barely think.
"Get out." I gritted through my teeth.
"Grace that's no way to-"
After they left I sat there and cried.
94- memories

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