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Cody POV
"Good morning Cody," nurse Patricia walked in my room with a small bowl of chicken broth and applesauce.
"Hi," I said in a raspy voice.
"I brought you some food, if you want it. But first, I need to take down your weight and that kind of stuff, okay?"
Weight: 103.6lbs
I'm losing weight fast. I lost five pounds in a day.
I've lost eighteen pounds in six days.
I'm supposed to drink this huge 64 ounce jug of water everyday.
I probably only drink a few sips of water a day.
I pour my food down the toilet when they ask me to finish everything.
I don't eat a bite.
I feel really bad about wasting the food because I remember the first months living on my own before I was old enough to get a job. I would go to bed with an empty stomach and wake up hungry. I would eat scraps from the trash and take money out of water fountains just so that I could pay for my motel room.
Some other tests are taken before Patricia leaves telling me that she will be back later.
I start getting out of bed to throw away the food when the door opens again.
Grace steps in. Her eyes look dark, too. Not as severe as mine but more like she skipped a night of sleep. Her hair is messy.
"Hi," she said.
"Hello," I answered.
"How are you feeling?"
"Aw," she sighed, "Cody."
She started towards my bed and hugged me.
"Thanks, Grace,"
"Wow, you've really lost weight."
"Almost 12 pounds."
"Cody, that's not good."
"Not much I can do about it, Grace."
"You can eat."
"I don't want to. Not until he comes back."
"And this is how you want him to see you?"
She had a point.
She grabbed the bowl of chicken broth and sat on the edge of the bed.
"Grace, plea-"
She had stuck a spoonful in my mouth.
"Doesn't that taste good?"
I smiled as I tried to swallow with my parched throat.
She kissed my temple.
"I'll take care of you Cody," she whispered in my ear.
She helped me finish the bowl of soup but she didn't force me to eat the applesauce. She handed me a glass of water and asked me to drink it. Then she laid down next to me and hugged me.
I actually fell asleep.
"Cody? If you want, I'm going to leave a box of James' possessions we have retrieved from his family and a little catalog for some furniture. Pick out something nice to make it more homey in here. Okay?"
"Thanks nurse Patty," I said.
Grace got up to get the catalog.
"Hmm. How bout these shelves?" She pointed to a pair of simple white shelves.
We picked out the shelves, bed covers and sheets, a faux fur throw blanket, and some stick on wall lights.
James bed was rolled into the room and the furniture arrived from the little department store down the street that donated furniture regularly to the hospital. The shelves were put up for us while Grace folded some of James clothes and placed them in the small dresser. Neither one of us have many things. All I have is my journal, my wallet, my phone and my clothes. James has his wallet, a small stuffed elephant, an iPod, and a few books.
After we finished decorating, it was late and Grace said good night.
"Night, Grace."
I got into bed and settled down, when I heard my phone buzz.
Hey kid.
We need our money early because you paid us late this month.

No way I'm out.

Out? There is no out C.

Too bad. I'm leaving the rest of my supplies under the dumpster out back.

C, we know where you are. We will come for you if we don't get our money.

F*ck you. I will confess.

And what? Land us all in jail? If we go down, you're coming with us.

Does your little girlfriend know that you still sell drugs?

Shut up.

What was her name? Grace was it?

Leave her out of it.

Oh, she will be told. Unless we get our money, of course.

Dumpster 4AM


I was startled out of texting by a quiet voice.
"Hi, room mate."

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