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November 6, 2014
Today when I woke up, I remembered about "finding nemo". I threw on my sweatshirt and ran down the stairs and to the cafeteria. When the two cups of hot cocoa were ready I walked over to Cody's room. His auburn hair peeked out from under his pillow and his tan arm was holding down his pillow. He was breathing lightly.
No answer.
I walked over to his bed and got under his covers. I hugged him under the blanket.
"Hi Cody"
"Mmm. Hi Grace," he hugged me.
"I brought cocoa,"
"Yum." He was barely awake.
"You wanna watch a movie?"
"Sure," he was more awake now.
I started the cd and he sat up.
"Here's your cocoa,"
"Thanks, Grace," he kissed me on the cheek.
We sat there and watched the movie. When it finished we watched some movies on Netflix.
All of a sudden there was a lot of noise and yelling outside the door.
"Please! LET ME GO HOME!"
"Young man we are trying to help you. Take your medication and you could go home in two weeks!"
"Never! The medications just make it worse!"
"You will have to stay for a longer time if you don't!"
Footsteps were heard going down the hallway.
"We have a patient running! Be on alert. He is suicidal."
I ran to the door and opened it.
"Patty?" The head nurse was sweating and her hair was a mess.
"Oh, hi Grace! Yeah, that was a new patient. He is resisting our help and now he is loose in the hospital."
"Oh gosh! Can we help?"
"No! No no. The hospital is actually on lockdown until they find him. He is dangerous."
Cody and I stayed together watching movies until there was a knock at the door at around eight.
I opened it up and found the small boy looking at me. He was probably a little taller than five foot. His dark brown hair covered the top of his ice blue eyes.
"Hi. I'm James."
"Um. Hi."
"Can you call the nurse lady? I'm done running."
"Oh. Okay."
I pressed the nurse call button on Cody's bed.
James walked slowly over to the visitor's chair and plopped down.
"So you're James?" Cody asked.
James just nodded.
Patty walked in.
"James! Thank goodness. Would you like to take your medications?"
"Yes. Thank you."
"Okay, follow me."
James walked out. I could have sworn he whispered
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