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James POV
Cody has just been moping around for days now
"Cody, come on."
"You can't just stay in your bed forever."
"Watch me."
I walked over to him.
"Look, I know how sad you might be right now, but seriously, this isn't going to help."
"I can't live without her, James."
"I know. I know," I said.
"No! You don't know, James! Just get out. Go to your girlfriend. God knows when she'll leave you, too."
I slowly left the room closing the door behind me.
I walked down to Emma's room.
"Hi, Em."
"Hi, James."
"How's Grace?" I asked.
"She's just staring out the window."
"And Cody?"
"Just sitting in bed."
She sighed, "So she still mad?"
"More like disappointed."
Emma propped her head on her hand.
"What can we do?"
"I don't know," I said, "but I think I might know what can help us."
I grabbed her hand and led us downstairs.
We went to the little business area in the lobby.
I booted up the computer and opened the internet browser.
In the search bar I typed in,
"Wikihow? You think wikihow will bring Cody and Grace back together?"
"No. But it will give us some ideas."
"Look for 'how to fix a friends relationship'."
I clicked on the first link.
"Step one," I read aloud, "make sure that they both still want to be together. Step two, bring the two together. Step three, do something that interests both of them."
"Well, that sounds easy enough."

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