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Cody's POV
Grace found me lying on the floor of James' room that day . I haven't been the same since.
I haven't eaten.
I haven't slept.
And I don't plan on doing so until I know James is safe.
Grace tries to comfort me but it's no use.
I can't focus on anything.
I had an idea earlier this morning that would keep James safe.
I walked down to the from desk where nurse Patricia was sitting typing away.
"Cody! Would you like to eat something?"
"Do you need anything?"
"Where is James?"
"I'm sorry Cody, we can't let him see anyone right now."
"Why not? Just thinking of him alone again scares me! I can't sleep!"
"Would you like something to help you sleep?"
"No! I just," I couldn't finish my sentence without breaking out in tears again, "I just want James."
"I know, I know. Shhh. There, there Cody, it's all going to be okay."
I let her hug me and pat my shoulder as I sobbed.
"What if James shared a room with me? So that he won't be alone again?" I asked.
"Now that's a great idea. Let me see if we can make that happen, for now why don't you go to your room and I'll get you something to eat."
"Okay, Nurse Patty."
I shuffled off to my room.
I passed my mirror on the way to my bed.
My eyes were red with bags of purple and black around them. My cheeks had begun to hollow. My hair was dull and limp.
I ran my hand through my hair in a feeble attempt to make it look somewhat groomed. I just ended up with half a handful of hair. My hands shook as I walked back to my bed.
I laid there in silence, my eyes dry from crying.
I looked across the hallway towards Grace's room. Her door was cracked open and it was so quiet I could hear her pencil scratching the pages of her journal.
"Cody?" Nurse Patty called.
I replied with a light grunt.
"I have some good news for you,"

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