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James POV
They finally released me from the foam prison.
The lights were always on.
I was treated like an animal.
Corralled into the cage.
When they let me out, they sent me to Cody's room.
They told me that we would be living with him for now.
He was on his phone when it walked in.
"Hi room mate," I said.
He looked up with tears in his eyes.
His eyes were dark.
Black and blue.
I thought I was hallucinating for a second.
"James," he said in a dry voice.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Better now that you are here. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," I said.
"Don't lie James,"
"Okay. I'm tired."
"Ok, there's your bed."
"Good night, James."
I woke up from a nightmare where my mom tied me to a chair and shot my little brother and sister, forcing me to watch.
I frantically looked around the room for comfort in knowing that it was just a dream.
I looked at Cody's bed.
He was under the blanket but he was making no noise.
I stood up and walked to his bed and poked him.
My finger went through him and touched the mattress.
I pulled back the sheets and found pillows but no Cody.
I started hyperventilating.
I was worried.
I ran to the window facing the back alley and cranked open the safety window.
The cool night air blew in my face helping me calm down.
I closed my eyes and lowered my head towards the ground.
Breathe in
Breathe out
I opened my eyes and what did I see in the back alley?
In the alley.
With two older men.
I ran to my drawer and put on my converse.
I ran to the stairs and began to climb down them.
Floor five.
Floor four.
Floor three.
Floor two.
Floor one.
I push open the door and I Cody who was on the other side of the door.
"Ow!" he says.
"Oh, hey man. Its okay."
"I'm not! I thought you ran away or something. What are you doing?"
"Nothing, I just needed some fresh air."
I went back to bed wondering what he really was doing.
(A/N: Hey sorry that my chapters are really short! I just thought that since so many Wattpad users use their phones to read on the go, it would be easier to have shorter chapters. Also, putting one physical day for each chapter makes it easier to update faster. Thanks for supporting the book!)

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