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November 17, 2014
Today Cody came to tell me about his day with James. He told me that he overheard that James would be let out again tomorrow if he took his medication. I had volunteered to watch some of the little kids while they draw, so I dragged Cody along. Cody helped hand out paint brushes to the kids while I tied an apron on a little girl named May.
"Hi, Grace."
"Hi May. How is your leg feeling today?"
Her leg was amputated a week ago.
"Now, why don't we paint together?"
"Okay," she rolled her tiny wheelchair to the nearest table.
About an hour later Cody came and sat down.
"Hi, May."
"Hi Cody!" She waved her tiny hand at Cody.
"What are you making?"
"A picture of my dog, Bailey. Are you going to make something?"
"Oh, I'm not that good at art," Cody smiled.
"Please, Cody?" May whined.
"Okay. Okay. I'll paint....you!"
"OK!" May laughed and began to paint with Cody.
I pulled up a large piece of paper and sat next to a little boy named Jace.
"Hi, Jace. Do you mind if I sit with you?"
He shook his head.
"Okay, what are you drawing?"
He pointed to May.
He nodded.
"Can we share the crayons?"
He nodded again. He doesn't talk at all. I think overheard that he is schizophrenic. I think.
I reach for the Mac-and-cheese colored crayon and begin to sketch out a jawline. Then I used Sepia and Dark Brown to draw eyes. A mix of tan and raw sienna for the skin. Bittersweet and atomic tangerine makes the lips perfect. I pick up yellow orange and brown to start on the hair when I feel a little tap on my arm.
"Yeah, Jace?"
He points to my drawing with a look of question on his face.
"Oh! This is him," I point to Cody.
He point to the two colors in my hand and then tugs on his hair.
He shakes his head profusely.
"These aren't the right colors?"
More shaking. He plucks the brown out of my hand and replaces it with raw sienna.
"Perfect!" I say to him.
He smiles.
I go back to drawing. The colors were perfect, they matched his hair and it's highlights.
When the clock hits two the nurses come in to take the kids to lunch.
Jace pokes me to show me his drawing.
I had no words for it.
At age four, Jace had draw a perfect portrait of May with what must be her dog, Bailey. It was a masterpiece. The shadows on her face, the depth of her eyes were all perfect. With a jumbo pack of crayola crayons, Jace had drawn what a graduate from a prestigious art school couldn't even do.
"It's perfect, Jace,"
He smiles and runs away to give it to May. He stands behind her and taps her shoulder. She turns around and he gives her the drawing. No words are said, but tiny May leans over and gives Jace a peck on the cheek. Jace gasps and stands still. Then, May takes his hand and leads his to the cafeteria.
I walk over to Cody and give him his drawing.
"Wow, Grace. It's beautiful!"
"Thanks Cody,"
Jace comes running back into the room and jumps on me for a hug.
"Thanks" he whispers in my ear.
"You're welcome, Jace." I whisper back
74- Art

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