Chapter 2: The Danger Of The Bullseye

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"Ok ladies, put up your bows and sit down on the bleachers," announced Mr. Brooks

While walking back to the bow rack I slid one last arrow into the bow socket.

I turned with Everdeen tight in my hands and I released. I was concentrating so hard the arrow looked as if it were in slow motion. The arrow soared across the gym and straight in the middle.

'Bullseye!' I thought excitedly

I was excited but I wanted to keep my cool

"Kathrine," Exclaimed Mr. Brooks "Put. The bow. Away!"

I walked towards the target and yanked the arrow out. As I trotted towards the bow rack I noticed that Mr. Brooks looked mad. I kept my eyes on my bow and placed it on the rack. I skipped towards the bleachers and sat down.

"Bring! Bring!"

"That's the bell!" I exclaimed jumping up and off the bleachers

"Everyone may go," replied Mr. Brooks "Everyone except Katherine."

"Ugh!" I exclaimed as I turned away from the door and marched towards Mr. Brooks

He sat down on the bleacher seat.

"Sit," He stated surprisingly gentle "Katherine, I know you are a wild girl who doesn't like to follow the rules but can you please try to be safe with your bow."

"It's Everdeen," I mumbled

"Ok well be safe with Everdeen please," He said as he stood up

I walked towards the door.

"I'll try." I smiled

Mr. Brooks gave me a quick smile. Then, it was off to first period.

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