Chapter 11: The Spati-Zeme Clan

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There were two minutes left of 7th period. I looked around the classroom at Malina, Sarah, Oliver, and Jake. We were all eager to see what Mr. Brooks needed us for.

"Tick, tick, tock. Tick, tick, tock."

Time standing still, I was eager and nervous about what was to come.

I stared at the clock intensely. 3, 2, 1...

"Bring Bring"

Everyone packed up and exited the room except for us five. We stayed in our seats determined to figure out what he knew.

The room was quiet for a few minutes until Mr. Brooks closed the door and began to talk.

"I know what is happening to you five but it is not safe here. Follow me."

Mr. Brooks lead us out of the school and into the field behind it. We walked until we hit the forest. Past the forest there were mountains. We walked until we hit the base of the mountain. We had been walking for about three hours in complete silence until we hit the top of the mountain.

Mr. Brooks put his hands out and chanted something in what I think was Portuguese.

"As pedras se deslocam sob o comando da minha mão, elas giram e se partem até desaparecerem." He chanted

Suddenly, the mountain split into two and a ravine appeared down the middle of it.

"Follow me." Ordered Mr. Brooks as he jumped into the ravine

He floated down like a feather. I was hesitant but I jumped. As I jumped Mr. Brooks was using his powers to help me float down. His hands held in the air, followed me as I fell and his gaze was determined. I reached the ground and watched as the others jumped and floated down thanks to Mr. Brooks.

We walked deep into the cave and there were multiple caverns that connected. We walked through all the caves and took a small tour until we came upon a cave that was lit brightly and had what looked like training equipment in it.

"The is the training dome." Mr. Brooks explained as we observed the room

We kept walking to another part of the cave that looked like a library. There were bookshelves carved in the rock. Mr. Brooks grabbed an old leather book that was dusty and looked untouched. He asked us to have a seat at some stools that were in the cave. Then, he began to read.

"A long time ago there was a war between the Rozac and the Threva people. The Threva people planned to kill off all tribes and rule the earth. This was not good.The fate of the world was at stake. The Rozac men had all died and the Threva were coming back to wipe out the Rozac, which at the time were the last tribe alive." Mr. Brooks explained

He continued, " There was a group of kids, teenagers, five of them who were the only hope that the Rozac had against the Threva. These teenagers had no identity and no one knew of them. That evening the Threva attacked the village. The teens had a secret weapon that no one knew about. They had superpowers. One had flight, another shape-shifting. The third one had super strength, the fourth had shielding, and the fifth had the impressionist ability. They used their powers to defeat the Threva and save the Rozac tribe and the fate of the universe. The Rozac emperor crowned the five soldiers the Spati-Zeme Clan. Meaning savior of the earth."

I was listening intensely as he continued the story.

"Only one member of the Spati-Zeme Clan is still alive today. Once every million years a new group of teens get their powers and are crowned members of The Spati-Zeme Clan."

"Who is the last member of the Spati-Zeme Clan?" I asked

He answered, "I am."

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