Chapter 21: Winding Staircases

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Mr. Brooks stood up as he tried to figure out his next move.

"Follow me!" He exclaimed as everyone started to follow him down the main hallway.

We walked for a minute until we reached a door at the end of the hallway. This was uncharted territory for us five.

He opened the door and held it as we walked out onto a large platform. The platform had winding staircases on each side; one going up and one going down. The stairs were lined with a black steel railing, which I held onto as I looked over the edge.

The few lights that were on, made it hard to see but I could see enough. We were in the middle of a large pit. The ceiling about 20 feet above our heads and the ground floor about 30 below. The room was round and dark. Only a little was visible.

"This is the Sobo Room." explained Mr. Brooks as the lights flashed on.

With the lights on you could see the room in all its glory. The room was huge.

Me began to walk down the stairs as Mr. Brooks jumped over the railing and began to float down to the bottom of the pit. Soon after, Jake, ran down the stairs and was there in an instant. Malina, Sarah, and Oliver looked at me and I looked at them. I concentrated and the space in front of me as a portal appears. I motioned for the three of them to go through.

I followed behind Malina, Sarah, and Oliver as we appeared at the bottom of the pit. It was much colder down here than it was on the platform and the room was much darker. I heard Mr. Brooks fumbling as he made his way to turn on the lights. Suddenly the room filled with light.

In front of me was a case of weapons that looked as if they were from a different planet and the walls had a shimmer frost over them that faded as the walls met the ceiling. It was beautiful.

There was a tap on my shoulder as I turned around. In front of me was a large room that had a beautiful display. There was a glass case that gleamed with a gold rim that glowed.

We all stared in awe as Mr. Brooks began to talk.

"These are your super suits. Each one of you has one and they are vital for combat."

"Combat?" Questioned Sarah

"Oh, they don't know yet!" I thought

Mr. Brooks hadn't told them yet and by the look he gave me I didn't think he wanted me to. He didn't want to worry them. He didn't want them to panic. Our first fight would be scary put I knew we could do it.

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