Chapter 15: Teal Eggs

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The sun was bright but there were no birds chirping, no leaves rustling, no whistle of the wind. Silence. The only thing you could hear was yourself breathing. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, repeat.

Mr. Brooks glanced at us and faced the circle of stones. He was quiet but I could tell he was relaxed. He was enjoying the valley's beauty. A rainbow of colors surrounding us.

"Sarah, why don't you start us off?" Mr. Brooks questioned as he still stared at the circle of rocks.

Sarah hesitated for a moment before stepping forward, "Yes sir." She mumbled her words. Her head was hanging in what I assume was nervousness.

Sarah made her way slowly to the front of the group to stand next to Mr. Brooks. He looked at her. Suddenly she walked towards the circle and waited.

Mr Brooks walked up and as Sarah turned around to face us, he started to form something in his hands. It was like magic! The dust and grime in the air became magnified into his hands.

As more particles entered his hands he cup them. Then he held both hands together so we couldn't see what was happening inside. There was a burst of light from inside his hands. Mr. Brooks opened up his hands and there was a little egg. The egg was teal and had little brown freckles on it.

"Hands" he commanded

Sarah put her hands out and Mr. Brooks gently placed the little blue egg in Sarah's hands. She looked at it in awe as Mr. Brooks backed up and turned to look at the big tree. Suddenly he began to fly. He jumped up and gilded gracefully up to the branches. He was a living Peter Pan.

While still in the air, Mr. Brooks put his hands out towards the branches. The branches of green started to separate and reveal a birds nest inside. It was a golden brown but, sadly, was empty.

Mr. Brooks turned and floated gracefully down from the tree. He landed and started walking in a circle around Sarah as she held the small helpless egg in her hands.

"I have been keeping my eyes on you. All of you." He stated looking at us. "Everyone here has a unique power and yours, Sarah, is Telekinesis. The power to move things with your mind. It can be a sign of intelligence but also.. greed."

He paused. Sarah looked surprised and then a wave of anger came over her.

"Hey!," She exclaimed "That's mea-"

"Now, your job is to move this egg up into that nest." Mr. Brooks explained

"Wait, what if-" Sarah asked as Mr. Brooks cut her off

"If," He exclaimed loudly, "the bird egg does fall, it will die. It is all in your hands."

Sarah looked at the egg and then up at me. Her expression was scared. She felt the pressure on her shoulders and looked like she was going to cry.

Sarah turned to face the tree. Her hands still cupped around the tiny egg. Mr. Brooks stood off to the side but I could tell it did not help her nervousness.

Sarah closed her eyes and took a deep breath and suddenly the egg began to float. The egg was gliding in the air as Sarah opened her eyes. The tiny blue egg began to shake and then was steady.

Suddenly, the egg began to fall. I began to shake and my brain was scrambled. There was a little baby bird in there and it was going to fall, fall to its death.

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