Chapter 6: The Championships

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"Bye, mom!"

"Bye Mrs. Dawn," I exclaimed after Paige "Thanks for the ride."

We skipped towards the door. The championships were a big deal. There was no way I was going to miss it. I was also excited to see Jake play in the game. He was just so cute.

I yanked the door open and we rushed down the stairs towards the gym. On my way, I reached into my back pocket and felt around for my money.

"Got it," I mumbled as I felt the bill in my back pocket.

Paige and I paid at the bottom of the stairway and walked into the gym. The bleachers were filled with so many people I didn't know where we would sit. The gymnasium was big and booming with excitement, much different than this morning, or so it felt.

Paige grabbed my hand and pulled me up the bleachers and towards a place where we would sit. We made our way through the crowd to our seats.

Suddenly, the music started playing and the visiting team came out. There must not have been many of their fans there that night because only a handful of people cheered. This surprised me as it was the championships. Soon, the team took their places, standing on their side of the court in a line.

The music got faster and louder then our team came out. The captain, Jake, was first. He jogged out while dribbling a basketball. He smiled at the crowd and their cheers, which were already loud, got even louder.

Paige nudged me and smiled slyly. I smiled and blushed as I turned back to look at Jake. 

The team followed behind him and they got in position. The ref marched onto the court and gave them a quick pep talk. Then, he turned to the crowd and blew his whistle. The game had started. The ball bounced quickly and switched from team to team.


The first point of the game.


The game had gone on for about an hour and they were tied up. Whoever made the next point would win the championships. The teams were vigorously fighting over the ball. Some boy from the other team tossed it to his teammate and he tossed it back as they moved positions. The boy passed the ball to another teammate when Jordan from the Oakland team jumped up and grabbed the ball before the boy got it. He scanned the court and saw Jake by the hoop on the other side of the court. Jordan threw the ball to Jake. Jake had the ball now. He jumped and the ball cut through the air like a knife.


The crowd flipped out and cheered loudly. Jake did it! Jake won the championships!

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