Chapter 24: Fist in the Air

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There we stood. Face to face with the five Threva kids. Sarina had her eyes, dark and sinister, locked in on me. I was her target. We stood in silence.

Malina began talking in my head.

"Sarina is an impersonator. If she touches you. She will gain your power." Malina thought

"I am not the one we should worry about. If she gains your power she will be able to read our minds and what we are about to do. She will be able to beat us easily." I thought

Malina sighed but did not respond. She was worried. She was scared but that didn't matter. We had bigger problems on our hands and they were standing right in front of us.

Sarina stared at me attempting to intimidate me. It worked.

Suddenly, Sarina looked at Jake. She disappeared and showed up behind him with her hand out towards his spine.

Jake fell to his knees and screamed in agony. I teleported behind her and grabbed her by the neck. I threw her to the ground but suddenly she was gone. She was back with her team. I put out my hand and helped Jake up. I felt a rush of adrenaline through my body.

"Did I just absorb Jake's power." I thought "Am I an impersonator?"

"Act natural." Whispered Malina inside my head

She knew what had happened. She knew what I was, an Impersonator.

Sarina looked at me and rushed towards me with her hand out towards my neck. I stepped and suddenly I was behind her. It was Jake's speed kicking in.

I turned around to see the boy with the black hair, Adam, coming after me. I ran at him and grabbed his hand as I spun around him. His power, super strength, ran through me as I kicked him in the gut. He went flying past the rest of my group as they sprang into action.

The battle had started and there was no going back.

The Force Of Fiveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें