Episode 5: Dreaming is Believing

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Episode 5: Dreaming is Believing

Angela felt herself moving around when her eyelids fluttered openly. Her blue eyes saw that she wasn’t in the tub or bathroom anymore. She was swimming in what looked like to be a huge lake as strange black dotted brown fishes swam around her. This freeing feeling of rain touching her smooth caramel skin came rushing back again as her blue hair danced in the cool lake water. She ducked down as a massive two finfish swam over her and splash back down from its reentry. Angela swam back up toward the surface, realizing she was breathing underwater. She swam around seeing a world unlike her own. She looked up at the sky seeing two Suns. One was like Earth’s, which brighten the planet, and the other one was blue which was smaller in size. She turned around hearing the faint voice of a girl.

The first sun beamed in Angela’s face so she couldn’t get too good of a look at the child, but the girl came out of the forest running for her life as a eerie figure emerged chasing after her. The figure held a staff and on top was a huge crescent moon lying on its side, a smaller crescent moon same way, but inside the bigger one, and a purple glowing orb in the center. Angela couldn’t make out figure, but there was something enchanting about her or the child, but notice the girl had a long ponytail with a crystal wrapped around the end of the ponytail, dangling at the bottom, touching the lower end of her back. The girl headed for the shore, light on feet as if wings aided her from the rocky terrain. A feeling of dread crept inside Angela’s body as if someone walked over her grave. Angela shouted out, trying to get the girl’s attention, but no sound came out her mouth as she touched her throat.

Angela was astonished to see the girl running on the lake. Her feet didn’t sink as she was running on top of the water itself. The girl was half across when she turned her head in Angela’s direction and pleaded,

Hear my cry…find my Elemental Warriors, help me please…save me and save the wo…” but the girl was cut off as the unsettling figure held the staff in both hands and thrust it forward unleashing what appeared to be black lightning.

The girl screamed for her life as the charcoal lightning traveled directly at her. Her ponytail whipped forward and she hugged it, emitting a power just as the black lightning hit her. The positive and negative fused together; creating a huge chrysalis-type stasis to engulfed the girl into an imprisonment. The girl’s voiced echoed,

Find, find…SAVE!” That last word sent a jolt throughout Angela’s entire body that caused her to gasp for air, breathing heavily, seeing that she was back in the tub in her bathroom.

Was it all a dream?” she pondered. The line between reality and fantasy had become blurred, till she noticed the tub was empty and saw above her the tub water hovering over her when it came crashing down, soaking the whole bathroom floor. The water wasn’t blood red anymore, but clear blue as the ocean; once Angela moved the wet hair out of her face she yelled, “Okay damn…I believe!”

Witches of the Elements - Book 1: Water (wattpadprize14)Where stories live. Discover now