Episode 11: Water from Within

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Episode 11: Water from Within

            “Trista!? What the hell are you doing here?” Angela barked.

            “I thought I saw you go in and then the lights and the flickering. I thought something was going down so I snuck in from the janitor’s basement window,” explained Trista. She removed the blond hair from her face and that was when her green eyes discovered Jassy lifeless body on the floor.

                “Okay that’s nice, take me, now!” rushed Angela.

“Why, what’s going on—OH!” screeched Trista, seeing the Witch Stalker. They ran down the hall toward the door where Trista came out of. Trista went down the stairs first while Angela stayed behind and waited for the Witch Stalker. He turned the corner and appeared, following every step she made. In raged, Angela flicked her right hand as hard as she could to slam him into some lockers, but to her surprise, he closed his hand, crushing the force that would have moved him. She did it again with her left hand and he repeated. “OH!” she wailed. Her head turned seeing a newly built door that hadn’t yet been placed up. She closed her hand and pulled hard, causing the door to fall to the floor, sliding next to her. With one wave she sent the door flying straight at the Witch Stalker, but he stopped the door in midair through crushing it with his hands.

“Angela! C’mon,” Trista cried. Angela moved her body, running down the narrow stairwell, spotting Trista down below.

They closed the door behind them and entered into the next room that just had junk in it such as extra desks and tables where Trista showed Angela where the window was, but the only problem was the height difference between it and them in order to reach it. The door slammed and the Witch Stalker made his way down the stairs causing them to back up to a dead end thanks to a cemented wall. Angela turned back around, eyeing a vending machine. She tried to do the same thing to the vending machine as she did to the newly built door and it started to shake a little, but it was too heavy for her to move alone. She concluded it was do to the fact that she hadn’t really practice using her ability all this much and her powers were still developing. Trista came over and placed her hand on top of Angela’s and instantly a gust of wind rocket the vending machine across, blocking the doorway.

“Oh my God, you can control the wind,” said Angela looking at her.

“Hardy,” said Trista. “I saw you struggling and I’m like, hey I believe should help too.”

“We’re witches,” Angela revealed abruptly. They jumped hearing the sound of the vending machine glass cracking, being crushed from the outside. Angela grabbed Trista’s arm and began to pulling, “C’mon, there has to be another way out…Trista…Tris…” she stopped when Trista’s head turned slowly in Angela’s direction, her green eyes flashed in replacement of the eyes of a jungle cat’s for a brief second and reappeared back to green while she smirked,

“Trista’s not here right now,” she said in a deeper tone, yanking her arm away from Angela. Angela backed away not knowing who this person was that stood with her, it looked like Trista, but something was different. The vending machine turned into scrap metal by the time the Witch Stalked opened the door and began his approach, seeing the two witches. “Oh yes, he looks yummy…yummy enough to kill or at least hurt,” paraded Trista. Trista let out a loud jaguar roar as she unpredictably did a front flip up to the Witch Stalker. With no fear, she swung as he blocked, but he was caught off guard by her frontal attack and she kneed him in the gut, spun her foot around and kicked him right in his face, sending him flying out the room. She backed flipped back to Angela and pointed her finger at her and said, “You—witch, spell now!”

“Hello…beginner, you’re a witch too ya know,” lashed Angela. She rolled her eyes when they turned seeing the Witch Stalker back and ready, not knowing why he didn’t’ stay down. He paid Angela no mind for now and focused on Trista right away he tightened his grip, locking into Trista. The moment his grip fastened, Trista eyes flashed again, regaining back a healthy green color, however the grip was causing her to gasp for air.

 “No! Leave her alone you son of a bitch,” screamed out Angela. 

“Help me please!” That voice? She thought she heard the girl from her dream voice just a moment ago. Though faint, it triggered what Angela had been suppressing this whole time. “Find my Elemental Warriors,” echoed the feminine voice that Angela recollected. Angela recalled her connection to water and how her first spell with water didn’t happen until she believed. Leonn'e mentioned that she would soon believe and the wind Trista conjured didn’t happen until Trista…believed.

Angela quickly went into concentrating mode, bowing her head, closing her eyes and allowing the power of the Craft flow through her, guiding her every movement. She had to put her anger a side in order to regain clarity, a sense of calmness usually obtain through water. Angela's body pulsated. She placed her two wrists together and opened them, letting her hands and fingers blossom like a flower. She opened up her eyes and with all her might shouted,

Atri!” Angela fired a torpedo load of water from her hands as the Witch Stalker used his other hand to crush the attack, but it unexpectedly exploded into five large jets of water, crashing into him like missiles, hurling out of the room again. Trista started coughing, rubbing her neck, now free from his grip. “Whoa…did I just do that?” Angela asked herself. By the time she got to Trista, sirens from a couple of cop cars began pulling up in front of the school building.   

Witches of the Elements - Book 1: Water (wattpadprize14)Where stories live. Discover now