Episode 9: Remembrance

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Episode 9: Remembrance

            Angela woke up, seemly finding herself in her room with the light from the window beaming on her face. She sat herself up to stretch in the manifestation of a throbbing head. Angela stood up to grab her robe and headed downstairs, only to catch her brother walking in from the front door.

            “Where the hell you been?” he asked angrily.

            “What’s your deal? I’ve been here all day, I never left after I took my bath last night,” she said.

            “No you haven’t, I’ve been looking for you all over the club,” said Zac.

            “Club? What club, I never left the house,” said Angela.

            “The hell you did, I took you there personally remember,” he said.

            “…actually, I don’t,” she pondered. She usually can tell when her brother is joking, but he was actually being serious.

            “You know what…to hell with you!” yelled Zac and pushed Angela out of the way so he could go upstairs to his room. Angela was totally puzzled to why Zac was freaking out like that; she was in her room the whole time…wasn’t she? Angela headed back upstairs to take a quick shower and on her way to school, to see if she could find Leonn'e.  

            Angela backtracked from her usual walk to school. Angela started to rub her arms picking up the strangest feeling that she was being watch. She looked around, but saw no one. Angela suddenly stopped and almost knocked over a trashcan.

            “Leon…Leon…LEONN’E!” she shouted, trying to call him.

            “You yelled,” said Leonn’e, causing Angela to look back. “Something is troubling you?”

            “Okay, something weird is going on…again. First I’m in my room and then my brother comes in yelling at me, saying that I was at a club when I wasn’t and shit like that,” said Angela.

            “Oh my,” said Leonn’e.

            “Yes! Do you see the hell I go through?” Angela asked.

            “No. Oh my as in oh my-your memory was erased,” said Leonn’e.

            “Wait what?”

            “They did a good job, traces of it is very little,” explained Leonn’e.

            “No wait, my memory was erased…by whom?” asked Angela.

            “I’m hoping you can tell me,” said Leonn’e as he placed his two fingers upon Angela’s forehead and with a zap, Angela stumbled back a little bit, grabbing her head.

            “Whoa…that son of a bitch!” said Angela, remembering. Not only did that girl erased Angela’s memory, but apparently Angela took her own self home in a sleep walking state. Angela felt something vibrating and picked up her phone out of her pocket and responded, “Hello.”

            “Hey girl, late much,” said the voice.

            “Oh hey Jackie, what’s sup.”

            “Nothin’, me and Jassy just wanna remind you we gotta stay way after and post those bulletins and flyers,” said Jackie.

            “Oh yeah…” Angela moaned.

“Don’t tell me you forgot?” Jackie asked.

 “Umm, I’ll be over there later on tonight okay?” she asked. Angela kept talking while Leonn'e turned his head, receiving a bad vibe from a distance.  He turned his head and perceived a silhouette in the form of a man when what looked to be their head lifting up. It tipped up its hat and placed it back down on top of his head, shimmering, no longer in sight. Leonn'e turned back his attention to Angela when she closed up her phone and placed it back inside her pocket.

            “K, I have to go, thanks for the memories…I guess. I have to help my friends with something at the school tonight so I’ll continue my search tomorrow.”

            “No!” he yelled. “Do not go to your school tonight.”

            “Why, I have to help out my friends,” she explained.

            “You are in danger,” said Leonn'e.

            “No, I’m not. Beasts attacked me and a chick erased my memories. Before I had this blue hair, I was relatively normal. So I quit. I am not this warrior mega witch you’re making me out to be. I’m done,” Angela expressed. She took the trashcan and tossed it toward him, which made Leonn'e jump back. He saw Angela running away from him as he screamed out,

“ANGELA NO! …beware…beware of the Witch Stalkers!”

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