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It is now 3 PM and they will have their last subject. As they have arrived in the classroom, Mina notice one student inside which is sleeping and seems familiar.

Mina keeps on glancing on the student who caught her attention as she take a sit in front of that student.

Sana and Momo who sit beside Mina have seen it.

"Psst.. Mina, is that your crush?" Sana asked.

"What?!" Mina yell softly.

"You keep looking on her." Momo said.

"I am not. It is just..." Mina says as she thinks of a reason but was interrupted by Sana.

"I know. I know. Don't worry. I got you." Sana said as she walks and stand in front of the sleeping student.

Sana patted the student's shoulder and said "Hey".

The student wakes up as she sits up and yawn while stretching both of her arms above. The three girls are looking at her as it happens.

"You're cute!" Sana squeal as she pinch both cheeks of the student. The student reacted with a cute pout.

Mina was frozen again as she saw the face of the student and her heart beat fastened. As soon as Sana pinched the student's cheeks, Mina stand up and remove Sana's hands in it. She shield the student behind her hiding it on Sana's view.

"Yah! Don't do that." Mina scolded Sana as she looks at her with daggers in her eyes.

Both Sana and Momo were shock on what Mina did.

Sana look at Mina questioning but still shock so no words was spoken out of her.

Mina realizes her action. Her eyes roam from left to right finding reason on her action to when she sees the professor about to come inside the room and saving her from her suffering.

"The prof is here. We should sit already." Mina said as she push Sana to sit.

Mina and Sana sit while the student sleeping earlier just look at them with wonder but she shrugged it when he notices the teacher.

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