[ 7 ]

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Mina's POV

I am on my way home when I saw familiar face in a small alley at the back of a restaurant. I decide to stop my car and look carefully.

My heart beat started to pound fast.

There I saw Chaeyoung feeding a dog. She wear an outfit like thhose for a waitress. Is she working?

As she finish feeding the dog, she pat the head of the dog.

"There. There. What a good boy. I need to go back to work. Bye." Chaeyoung cutely said and go inside the backdoor.

A smile grew on my face with that cute interaction.

I look from outside of the restaurant and there she is indeed serving food to the customers. She is working and studying at the same time. She is hard working girl.

After a few minutes of spying, I went home.

I am now lying on my bed and waiting for fairies to pour some magic dust on my head so I can sleep but they seems to be getting late today since it is already 10 PM and I am wide awake.

I rise up in my bed and go to the kitchen area to get some fresh milk which possibly can help me.

I was drinking my milk while in my deep thoughts of Chaeyoung when someone came near me.

"Mina? You're still awake?" my mom said.

"Yes, mom." I said lowly.

"You seem in deep in your thought. Have any problems?" my my asked.

"Nothing" I said with flat smile while shaking my head.

"I know you. What's the issue? boyfriend problems?" my mom teasingly asked.

"Mom!~~" I whined.

"Oh.... So it's a girlfriend problem." my mom added.

I went silent for a while as I remember Chaeyoung again.

"So, it is indeed. Who is the lucky girl?" my mom said.

"No. I don't have a girlfriend yet." I denied immediately.

"Keyword. Yet. My daugther is in love....." my mom teased.

My mom is supportive in any of my preferences. Since she said as long as I love the person then that is the most important thing. She is sometimes worried about me because I am on college already but I don't have any love life yet. Most of the kids this days even have their love life in lower secondary (Ages 12-15) and I am 17 already.

"It is not love. I think? It's just someone have caught my attention." I finally said with a deep breath in end.

"Go ahead. Give me details." my mom encourages me.

"Well. I met her today. I have seen her three times this day and I felt my heart beat goes fast each time like it's a chemical reaction. She haven't done or say much but she drew my attention at her. I'm not sure what's happening to me." I said defeated.

My mom just continuously nod slowly as I speak like she realize what I mean.

"So...?" I asked her and drink my milk.

"You're in love." my mom suddenly said.

I spit out the milk I was drinking.

"What?!" I asked.

"You're in love and ew. You should clean your mess." my mom said.

"In love?" I asked.


"But I just met her today."

"There is no span of days required to fell in love." my mom shrugged like it is normal.

"But. But. But." I said trying to find words to say.

"Don't deny your feeling because you are causing headache to yourself. Just admit it and sleep already." my mom said as she turn away.

"And introduce the girl to me when you catch her already. Good night." my mom added before she was gone from my sight.

I go back lying in my bed and finally drifted to sleep at 12 MN.

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