12. Teenagers Riot!

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I woke up to Tommy's phone ringing, it was 10 am.
I picked it up thinking it was a telemarketer. Instead it was my mum in a panic.
"Can you tell my why the fuck Inez, Warren and Inez's older brother is sitting in my living room? Inez is real angry and Warren has got a black eye."
"Wait.... wait.... Inez's brother is there?"
"Slash or Donnie?"
"Slash!" My mum shrieked.
I rubbed my temples"I don't know what the fuck happened! Hold up, I'll be there in a bit. Don't let them know I'm coming."

I hung up and got dressed. Tommy woke.
"What's going on?"
"My mum is panicking cause Inez is mad as fuck and slash is there and Warren. Apparently Warren has a black eye."

I was scurrying around his room searching for my stuff.
"I'll come with you."
"And do what?"
"I don't know, support you?"
"Tommy, I don't even know why the fuck they are at my house and in such a state."
"Do you need me to drop you off?"
"Yeah sure...."
"Go back out the window and over the fence so no one catches you and holds you up with conversation. I'll meet you in the front."
I nodded my head.

I went down the ladder and jumped the fence I waited 2 minutes and he came around the corner in his dad's car.

We sped off to my house and I hopped out the car. Tommy waited till I was inside the house to leave. I knocked on the door and slash opened it aggressively. I backed up and he moved closer to me with a real aggravated look and held onto my wrists hard. He started shaking me and screaming endless profanities in my face.
Tommy turned off the ignition of the car and jumped out.

"Don't fucking touch her like that!" He yelled. I looked at him horrified.
"Tommy, shoo you're going to make it worse."
Slash pulled me by my hair in to the living room and Inez stood there tapping her foot impatiently.

"What the fuck is this all about!" I yelled.
I was held strained by Slash's muscles, Inez slapped me hard across the face. Tommy has just entered the room.
"Did you fuck Warren while I was dating him?"
"What!?!?!" I screamed. She punched me hard in the stomach. Oof. I turned to see Tommy approach us. My mum sat in the corner terrified.

"My BOYFRIEND got drunk last night and said you tried to fuck him before we went to the movies!"
Warren looked at the floor sheepishly.
"I never fucking touched him!" She took a blow across my cheek. I elbowed slash in the stomach causing him to let go of me long enough for me to escape from his grasp. Tommy ran up to him and punched him.

"He said you sat on his lap, kissed his neck and unbuttoned his shirt. Which he rejected you!"

"It wasn't just me! He inflamed the kiss!"

"So you admit it!"
She went to strike me again but I dodged it.
Right then and there Vince and Kimberly entered laughing and stopped once they saw me a bruised and bloody.
"Oh my fucking god are you okay?" Screamed Kimber running over to me.

Vince struck slash across the head since he had Tommy in a head lock.

"Oh my god, there are a whole heap of fucking teenagers having a feud in my house." My mum gasped.

Warren looked at me and mouthed a 'sorry'.
Despite slash being taller and heavier than both Tommy and Vince combined, the boys had tackled him to the ground.

I pulled Inez by her hair. I went absolutely bat shit crazy.
"Don't you ever come in this house and threaten my mother then attack me!" I screamed getting closer to the door she quickly jumped from my grasp and punched me in the nose. A loud crack echoed in the hallway and my nose poured with blood. I managed to regain a clutch on her and threw her out of the house. I dropped her on the lawn and sat on her while punching her face. Warren ran out and stared at us.

"As for you Mr DeMartini. I don't wanna see your face ever again!"
Sirens approached us and I looked up from Inez's puffy and bloody face. Shit. I went back into my house and blood started pouring out of my mouth more rapidly.

"GET. THE. FUCK. OUT OF MY HOUSE!" I screamed at slash. Tommy ran to me while Vince ushered slash out of the house.

"Now you know why I gotta flee..." I mumbled under my breath. Two police officers came up to me and arrested me, Inez, Warren and slash. Tommy and Vince were bought for questioning.

I got a fine of $1000 for assault, even though I didn't start the fight but more so cause of the damage I caused to Inez face and the unnecessary defence I used. Slash was fined a even higher amount and Inez's was only higher. Warren was deemed as a 'victim' and Tommy and Vince were let off the hook because they were defending themselves.

I got taken to the doctors and confirmed I got a broken nose and one missing back tooth. They injected something in my cheek to slow down the swelling, puffiness and bruising around my eye.

I got home and apologised to my mother. I then called Tommy because he was a bit confused about the whole situation so I confirmed what happened and surprisingly didn't appear to seem upset. I started packing my stuff. I put all my records in a crate and filled boxes with clothes. I went downtown and managed to sell my bed, drawers and vanity to a expecting mother.

I got back home and got a box filled with photos and filled another with shoes and another with books and miscellaneous items. I headed into my car and put everything in the trunk and backseat. I was planning on moving in and selling my car and getting a new one after.

I kissed my mum good bye and drove off to Tommy's house.

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