Chapter 8

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Lilli thee Journalist 📰

Back to the Present Day...

"What do you mean it began to escalate from there?", I ask Armani.

"Exactly that. After that one little interaction, it was like he clung onto me.", she answers. "I take the blame, though. Especially since I let it go that far."

"Can you explain please?"

"Of course. Every time he had a little job to do within the prison, it was ironically the one I was assigned to supervise for the day.", she elaborates and I write that down in my notebook.

"Do you think he did that on purpose?", I question and she nods.

"Without a doubt. When he said that the prison system was corrupt, he wasn't lying.", she tells me.

"So he was treated differently than a normal inmate?", I question further, and once again, she nods.

"He was barely there for a month before he was given his jobs, while others were there for years before they were even considered for one. He even incited an entire riot from maximum security.", she says.

"Did you know any of this while everything was happening?" She nods.

"Well, the only thing that I did know was that he had control over someone at the top.", she answers.

"Okay, you can continue with the story now."


The next day, I had walked into the cell block to call roll and pass out breakfast, and sitting directly by his cell door was Kobe.

My head was pounding and I simply just didn't want to be here.

He watched me like a hawk as I maneuvered around the block.

I tried to maintain my focus as his eyes burned holes into the side of my face.

Finally, as much as I dreaded it, I came to his cell.

"Crawford?", I call out, avoiding eye contact. "Wassup, mamas.", he says, and I could hear the cockiness in his voice.

"Officer Caesar to you.", I retort, turning around to hand him his plate.

"Come on now, Armani. Not even a little hello, Kobe?", he asks and I finally look at him.

"Hi, Kobe.", I say, passing him in his plate.

Smiling, he asks me, "How hard was that?"

I roll my eyes and walk on to the next cell.

"I'ma get you, Armani. I promise you that.", Kobe says through the small opening of his cell door.

I ignore his statement and continue what I'm doing.

"James?", I call out into the next cell, passing the plate through the opening.

Instead of answering me, he snatches it out of my hands, only to throw it back.

Loads of mush land on my shirt, pants, and shoes as I stare in shock and disgust.

"I just can't get a fuckin' break.", I whisper, feeling my throat burn.

"Don't cry, 'Mani.", I tell myself, holding back tears.

"You good, Armani?", Kobe asks me and I nod.

"I'm good. Thanks for asking.", I answer.

I take a deep breath and just move on to the next and final cell.

"Taylor?", I call out, turning around to grab the plate.

"Yo..", he responds, looking through the opening.

"Before I hand you this, are you gonna eat it?", I jokingly ask him and he nods.

"Hell yeah, I'm starving.", he answers.

Smiling, I pass him his tray and make my way back to the exit.

As I walked past his door, Kobe called me.

Sighing, I turned around.

"Yes?", I ask him, and he signals for me to come closer.

I take a step forward so that I was now right in front of his door.

"What?", I question and he whispers, "Go home early."

Giving him a confused look, I ask him, "Why?"

"Don't ask questions. Just go home early to change clothes or something."

I eventually give in and agree.

"See you in solitary tomorrow.", he adds as I walked away and I pay no mind since I didn't know what he meant at the moment.

Since my clothes were basically covered in food and I lived less than 10 minutes away, they let me go home to change. My return was optional, but I came back anyway.

When I finally returned, the entire facility was chaotic.

Other officers rushing to the elevators and staircases, ambulance sirens roaring in the distance, and I simply stood by the entrance, scared as hell.

"What's going on?", I ask a passing officer. "Riot."

My jaw drops, not only because I was shocked that things like this actually happen, but because I had a pretty clear idea of who started it.

Doing the only thing I knew to do, I turn around and go back home.

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