Chapter 15

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Lilli thee Journalist 📰

Back to the Present Day...

"So your husband came back 3 weeks early?", I ask her and she nods. "Yep, and he caught me completely off guard."

"Did you still love him?", I question and she goes silent.

Eventually, she answers, "No."

"Wow.", I whisper, and a tear rolls down her cheek.

"I know it sounds bad, but when he came back, I really tried to, like, I don't know." She shakes her head, struggling to find the right word.

"Was it like the spark was gone?", I question and she nods.

"Yeah, that. I just didn't feel the same as I did from when he first left.", she answers and I nod.

I ask her, "Do you think that him coming back and Grambling's warning were the final push for you to break things off?"

"Of course, most definitely. They were like the wake-up call, if you know what I mean. That's when I actually acknowledged the fact that what I was doing wasn't right in the slightest.", Armani answers, sniffling softly.

"But that's a hard pill to swallow.", she adds.

"What do you mean?"

"What woman wants to acknowledge the fact that not only was she cheating on her husband, but she was breaking so many rules of her job. I was literally risking everything to be with this man.", she explains and I write everything down, word for word. "That's when I said, okay. You really have to end this.", she adds.

Our conversation is interrupted by a nurse coming in to check on Armani.

"Are you alright, Mrs. Caesar?", the small white nurse asks her and she nods.

"Yes, but can I get some more ice water? This one is warm now.", Armani asks the sweet nurse and she nods.

"Would you like anything, Lilli?", she asks me and I shake my head. "No, thank you."

The nurse scurries off to get Armani's water.

"Now, where were w-"

I'm cut off again by the nurse returning.

"Well, damn.", I mumble and Armani laughs softly.

When the nurse leaves again, I finally ask, "Where were we? I lost my train of thought.

"I had just told you about how I finally recognized that I had to end my relationship with Kobe and allat because I was risking everything."

"Oh yeah.", I mumble and write that down in my notebook.

"So, did you have a plan or did you just wing it?", I question, looking back up at her.

She answers, "Somewhat, Dean had wanted me to quit my job and go back to being a housewife, and at that point, I was willing to do whatever in hopes of saving my marriage."

"So, that was my plan. End my relationship with Kobe and quit all in the same day. That way, I'd never have to see his face again."

"Did you end up breaking things off?", I question and she goes silent.

"Something like that. I won't call it breaking it off, because that's barely what happened.", she eventually answers.

"Alright, what happened then?"


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