Part one. No way out.

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I laid there, on my back, motionless except for my sobs that would jolt me up slightly. I didn't want any part of it. I tried to get off the makeshift bed and stand, but overuse of my legs sent me falling down. Trying to leave was no use, I knew that from my ten years being in this hell hole. Those damn mercenaries always found me before I reach the door, hiding in Sir's cabinets, in closets, anywhere tight and not suspicious. I refuse to call him 'master'. He can use me all he wants but I will keep even the slightest bit of dignity. He always gets bored, and his boredom with me is coming less and less recently. That is why I'm on the floor, with the inability to move. This creaky wooden floor...ugh. I sit up and groan, then put an arm on the bed, then my second, and slowly stand, depending on the bed. I began to put a little pressure on my legs, and they begin to shake. I stop, and decide to try again tomorrow, laying down on the bed. I take slow, and shaking breaths. "Ow..ow...ow.." I run my fingers over the thin blanket my mother gave me, and feel more tears cover my eyes, and roll down my cheeks silently. They did terrible things to such a beautiful woman, then killed her, in front of me when I was fourteen. It...was a mercy killing at that point. She begged me to look away but I knew if I did, it would have made it worse for her. All because I had dropped a plate on accident. Sir kept telling me to be careful with plates after that. He enjoys hearing and seeing me cry. Sick bastard...I begin to sob uncontrollably now. I try to stop, knowing that man is on the outside of my dark, gloomy room enjoying every moment of my suffering. I can't though, but I soon do fall asleep, too tired to continue.


It's him wakes me up this time. I groan and try to move away, but he grabs my wrists. He begins to talk. I hate his voice, and his disgusting, unholy mouth that has whispered too many insults to me while he hovers over me and gets aroused by my pitiful, and meaningless apologies and pleads. I hate myself, I hate this place, I hate- he snaps me out of my thoughts. More like smacks me out of them, leaving a mark on my skinny, dark colored skin. I whimper and give him my attention, knowing he's not happy that I was caught up in my thoughts instead of listening patiently. A sick smile creeps onto his face and he smacks me again, and again, and again, until I begin to cry.
" beg for forgiveness like a good little elf and maybe I'll reward you."
I don't care about the reward, but I start with my sick apologies because if I don't, he'll beat me until I beg for death. "Please..I'm sorry I didn't mean to..I'll pay more attention next time, Sir.."
His smile grows wider, he runs his tongue over his teeth like a hungry cat about to pounce on a defenceless mouse. I whimper and grip onto his tunic as he starts to lower himself, getting closer to me, closing in on me. I violently shake my head. "N-No..please..please.."
He's stopped by a servant coming in. "Sir Albaynion, your meal is ready." the servant looks at me and gives me a sad, but slightly comforting smile. Sir stands up straight and walks out. "Good. I was getting hungry."
I whisper an almost silent thank you to the servant, receiving a nod in response before they leave. The talk of a meal makes me think of my hunger. It'll be another two days until I'm fed. I'm used to it now though. I used to get meals every other day, when I was a child, before my mother... but now I get fed once a week. I can see and feel my bones. Sometimes Sir will give me what is left on his plate if I beg enough. I think he keeps me underfed because he doesn't want me to be strong enough to escape. I wonder how many other dunmer have fallen under his cruel hand...

A few hours later he returns, with a plate. It is full of meat. Juicy meat. I can feel drool pour out of my mouth, just by smelling it. I sit up quickly and stare at the plate, then at him. His face seems blank. Bored. I wait for his directions, but he places the plate on the floor, and grabbing my wrists, then biting one of the dark purple spots on my neck, causing me to yelp, I feel his smile against my skin.
"Just let him do what he wants and he'll give you the food..." I think to myself, and resist my urge to object.
Sir looks at me and raises an eyebrow. "No crying? Begging? Nothing?"
I glance to the food, then at him. "He wants me to cry. Right."
Sir looks for a bit longer, then pushes me down and holds my wrists against the bed with one hand. I start to cry for him, this makes him smile. This makes him happy.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~this a skip cause ew. no one want that~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As soon as he releases me, I roll off the bed with a thud. I groan and slowly move to the plate of food, then begin to eat the now cold meat, quickly.
"Don't eat so quick, you'll make your stomach upset." Sir says as he plops on his back, on the bed.
I slow down a bit, but I'm too hungry, I don't stop until I feel like I might throw up. I crawl back onto the bed.
"You did good. I'm thinking of having you moved to my room...your recent escape attempts are causing me stress."
I whine and roll onto my side to face away from him. "Please" is all I think to myself before sleep wraps me in hopes and dreams of freedom.

Word count: 1,038! :)

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