Part eight. The princess...

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I wake up to yelling. I hear Sir, then look towards his voice. He's at the door, and I see a dark elf at the door, I think it's Cavikil. I sit up and winces a little, my side still hurts from the kick. I whimper, then stand and move to the right of Sir, a few feet away, keeping my distance. It's Cavikil. He's...crying.
"Dirty dunmer! Leave and never come back!" Sir slams the door, then looks at me. I back away and look down. "I'm sorry sir. Are you okay?"
He just walks into his room, not answering me.
"Sir..." I sit on the floor, and hug my knees. "How..many days..?"
"Be quiet elf. I'm working."
"Yes sir..sorry sir.."
I hold my knees tighter, then think of my teddy bear. I stand, then crouch low to the ground, slowly making my way to Sir's room. I see that he is sitting at a desk, that wasn't there before. He must have moved it there while I was asleep. I look to the bed, and see the bear. I hold my breath, and start to approach the bed. I get there with no issue, get the bear, then start to walk back. The wooden floor creaks, and I pause, holding the bear close to my chest. I hear silence, then begin to approach the exit of the room, still holding my breath.
"Here. Now."
I stand and walk over. "I just wanted the teddy bear brings me comfort..."
He puts me on his desk, and wraps his arms around my waist, placing his head on my lap. I don't move, just hold my bear close to my chest. " sick, Sir?"
He nods a little. "I guess."
I start to pet him. "I could try to cook something for you..."
"No, I've hired some cooks..."
"What can I do? I want to make everything up to you..."
Sir starts kissing my thigh. "I have things to make up to you..."
I blush, and push his head away a bit. "I just want to be held then..."
I shake my head and move further back.
"Alright..tomorrow night then.." Sir stands and walks to the bed, then removes his clothes, then puts a robe on, and lays down. I watched him for a moment, then stood and walked over to him, then plopped onto him. He chuckles and takes my shirt off, then rubs my back. It feels really good, I like this kind of attention. I nuzzle his neck and kiss his cheek. He rubs my back a bit harder, and I nuzzle his neck again, then start kissing his neck.
"Mm..thought you just wanted to be held?"
"I just want to be held..but I want to do things to you too. I'm in charge...!"
Sir nods, and puts his his fingers down my pants.
"No! You just lay there!"
"What are you going to do?"
"Umm...hmmm..arouse you..then go to sleep!"
"Oh dear..this is going to be fun."
I nod and get to work.

Next day...

I'm awake, watching Sir sleep. He seems so peaceful. So cute...I really like this. I pet him until I hear a knock on the door. I stand and walk to the front door, then think. "Sir! Sir Albaynion!"
After a moment or two, I hear him grunt, then after a few moments, he walks out, wearing the robe. He walks over, and opens the door. "What?"
A female speaks. She's wearing a crown, and a very pretty dress. "I, the princess, have heard of you coming to this wonderful kingdom, and want to ARE handsome.." she walks in, and looks at me. "Oh. A dunmer..peasant..slave.."
Sir rubs his forehead. " my wife.."
" about she leaves for awhile so we can chat?" The princess crosses her arms and holds her chest up higher with her arms, she looks at Sir, then looks at her chest. Sir looks for a moment, hesitates, then shakes his head.
" fine very pretty.." I lower my head. "I'll be in the market. Promise." I walk out, and into the market, and wait. And wait. And wait...

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