Part thirteen. Father.

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While I eat, I hear someone scream Calanoqui. "Oh..someone is angry.." I finish eating, then walk out and look around, then hear odd noises from the room next to the one I was in, then I hear crying. Then I realize what I was hearing. I put the plate down, whimper a bit, then walk to the door. "Yeah, no..not going to stay here, I'll be back after thirteen days.." I walk out, then run out of the kingdom and into the woods. "Thirteen days...can't be that hard..I've done it before..but..mother and father used to do everything..."

~Flashback time. . .

Mother comes in with blueberries. My favorite! I always loved it when we could celebrate my birthday. I go to wake father up, but mother quickly pulls me away, and out of the cave, then sits down. I sit down too, then look at her, scared and worried.
"Honey..." I love mother's voice. It's pretty, and soothing. When she's not mad. "Yes momma?"
Mother looks sad. Very sad. "Your very, very sick..honey..." her eyes fill with tears.
"H-He'll get better! He always does!" I feel pressured to make her smile. I succeed, but it's not the smile I want. It's sad. I can tell; her happy smile lights everything up. Tears roll down her cheeks and silently hit her legs and ground. "Honey..your dying..sweetie..I can't do anything.."
I tear up, "But m-momma! He can't! H-He's strong!"
"Not..s-strong enough..."
I start crying, I hug her tightly as she drops the blueberries. "It a few days at most.."
"I-I don't want him t-to die.."
"I know h-honey..I know.."
I hear dad groan out for mother.
"Be h-happy for dada, okay..?"
I nod a little, then reluctantly pull away. Mother stands and walks into the cave. I feel someone's eyes on me...cold, unforgiving eyes...then I see him.
"Hello, little one. I'm Albaynion. Sir Albaynion."

~End of flashback. . .

I feel my cheeks. They are wet. I wipe my cheeks off, then walk further into the woods. I feel eyes on me. Focused eyes. Angry eyes. Then I hear a yelp, then a thud.
"Damn fox- wait, no!!"
I run away, and I am tackled by man with a wolf's tail..and ears..wait what.. "What?!"
"An elf! Wait an elf? Wait no you're black! You're not an elf!"
"A WHAT?!"
A lady walks over and pulls the man dog off of me. I sit up and see that she has a fox tail and fox ears.
"Where am I??"
"Wakiek's woods." The lady says.
"Wakiek? impossible..."
"Why is that, dunmer?" The lady's tail slowly sways from right to left.
" named Wakiek..."
"Oh? How lovely-"
"But Wakiek isn't a elf impostor?" The man dog looks confused.
"You have never seen Wakiek, idiot."
"Oh yeah..."
The lady looks at me. "How lovely. Mind coming with us?"
"My father is dead."
"Very much alive."
"No...I watched him die."
The lady shrugs. "Guess you didn't."
The man dog grabs my arm and starts running.
The man dog does not stop. He speeds up. I jump onto his back, my legs are too slow to run at his speed. The lady follows us.
"Why are you so skinny and small? You look like a child. A sick one." The lady says, I just give her a sad look and she quiets down, nodding a bit, she seems to be thinking...
The man dog stops suddenly and pants, hunched over. I cling to him tighter and wrap my legs around him. "Okay. Man dog and lady fox. Got it. Totally understand."
"E-explain..elf..imposter..ness.." the man dog manages to mumble before falling to the ground. "Argh.."
"What?! I AM an elf! Just...not..a good one.."
"Ev..evil??" the man dog groans.
"Not a respected one! My..race is known for a lot of bad stuff..but I'm not bad! I..want people.."
"But you can't. Because you're Sir Albaynion's dunmer."
I shiver, and the man dog slowly stands. I feel tense, slowly getting off his back. "Why do I feel like you are going to h-hurt me?"
The man dog growls. "Because we are."
I start to run in the direction the man dog was. I can feel them almost grab me, but fail to do so. Then I hear a few pops, then a loud crack, then the lady scream. I stop and turn around, seeing him. Sir Albaynion. He has the man dog's head in his hands, his neck twisted around. He looks at me, then the lady fox. "Why are you here, Vanikayni?" he looks at me. "Where is Calanoqui?"
I look down, then shake my head. "He..was..busy..hurting someone.."
"Oh." is all he says, before walking towards the lady. She runs, and he makes no effort to go after her.
"Please..don't hurt me.."
"I won't. Vanikayni."
I feel odd. I want to touch him, but I also want to run. I bite my lip. "Then...what are you going to do to me?"
He smiles wide. "Do you want me to do something to you?"
I go silent, thinking.
He glances to me, then looks away a little, waiting patiently for my response.

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