Part 11. The king.

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The king furrows his eyebrows, then speaks. "The fight" The king charges, and swings his sword at Sir, but...he..isn't there? "Albayni-?!" the king is stabbed in the back. Albaynion laughs and continues until he falls, the guards surround him as his voice gets scarier and scarier.
"A d-dremora!"
Sir says something, then laughs louder, then kicks one down, stabs two in the chest, then pulls his daggers back and cuts one's throat, then stabs the last one in the stomach. "All done?"
The one he kicked down gets up, and starts to run away. Sir throws a dagger and it stabs the guard through the skull, they fall over, dead. "Anyone else?"
The prince comes back out. "Wh-What-"
Sir gets his two daggers back and runs to the prince, then stabs him multiple times in the stomach and chest.
I stand there, shocked, then scream out when the guard with black hair puts a dagger to my throat. He covers my mouth, muffling me.
Sir looks at us, his legs are like a dog's, with large, black claws as toes, his skin is grey, he has long, slick horns that point backwards, his black hair has been pushed around them, and his hazel eyes are now golden, he has a sharp, spear like tail, he has a lot of blood on him now. "Oh?" his voice sounds scary, slightly mad and demonic.
"Kind of sexy. What- I mean- what!!!" I think.
The guard cuts my throat a little, making me bleed, and I reach out to Sir Albaynion, starting to cry.
Sir Albaynion starts to walk forward, daggers clutched tightly in his hands.
"I-I wouldn't come any closer, dremora."
"I think you mean daedric. Albaynion, the daedric prince of domination, and slavery."
The guard starts to tremble. "P-Please-" before the guard can finish his sentence, Sir Albaynion has his tail in the back of the guard, gently pressed against my back, getting blood on the back of my shirt. I tremble, I don't know why but I feel great fear when I'm near him. More than usual. He gently grabs my shaking arms and pulls me close, then picks me up and pets me. "Are you okay?"
" just..the guards.."
"Shh, shh, you'll have a crown..little one.." he holds me in both arms, and starts to rock me, like I'm a baby.
"I'm a daedric prince...I am still Sir Albaynion...I was using my power to disguise myself as a noble...and I hate it when people disrespect my things. That's why I had to kill the guards...the prince...the king...and..the princess..."
He nods. "Her flesh tasted awful..."
He laughs and sits me on the big, gold chair. "You're so cute when you're flustered."
I look up at him, and notice is is significantly taller. ""
He laughs more and places a hand on my head, then leans down and kisses my forehead, then picks me up and sits, puts his legs over the left arm of the chair, putting me on his lap with my back against his stomach. He puts his hands around me, only his hands, not his arms.
"Full size, I could probably put one hand around you twice. only takes two hands."
I hesitate, then put my hands on his. They are bigger, and rough. I rub them gently, his tail thwacks against the ground and I jump, starting to tremble. He buries his face in my neck and runs his teeth over my skin, but doesn't nibble or bite me. I shiver. "Sh-Sharp.."
"Mm...yes.." he rubs his thumbs against my back and taps his four fingers against my stomach.
"Yes..?" he licks my neck, slowly. I jump and tremble more.
" more talk about me.." he licks my neck again, making me shiver.
He squeezes me, hard. I yelp and tear up, then try to push his hands away.
"No, no..don't do that.."
I feel a strong urge to stop, but I ignore it and continue.
I stop completely and relax somewhat, he smiles and nuzzles my shoulder, then starts kissing my neck, putting his hands on my lap. I put my left hand around  his left middle finger and my right hand around his thumb, he begins to nibble on my neck but it feels like biting because of how sharp his teeth are. I let out a soft moan and my mind and thoughts get hazy.

Next day, afternoon.

I wake up in a soft bed with soft pillows all around me, a thick blanket placed on me. I sit up, and look around. Sir, who is still in the same form, is laying next to me. I move the pillows out of the way and put one under his head, moving close and tapping his shoulder. He turns over almost instantly, and looks at me. "Hungry?"
" stomach hurts.."
"Aww...poor little you.." he pokes my stomach, and I roll over.
"It does! It really does..." I look under the blanket, at my stomach, there is deep bites on my sides, and bloody lip prints on my stomach. "Oh...Albaynionnn..."
"Aw, is the little guy mad?"
I move away. "Yes. You have been banned from the room."
He moves close and whispers in my ear. "I'm still in charge, little guy."

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