Part fifteen. Wakiek and Kadig.

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Sir Calanoqui's tail thwacks against the wooden floor, cracking it. I jump, and move closer to Sir Albaynion. He sits up, pats my head, then stands and wraps a towel around his shoulders, then ties it up. "This is getting old, Calan. Remember Jaqil?"
"Wait..Sir.." I mutter, very confused.
"Yeah. I remember her. Vanikayni's mother. Albaynion killed your mother, remember Vani?"
I tear up, and Albaynion shoves him out of the room, then slams the door shut, after he walks out. I hear screaming, and fighting, things breaking and someone trying to open the door, but I can't make out a full sentence. Just random, harsh insults and a lot of cussing.

A whimper comes from my mouth as I stand and fall back onto the bed. "Ughh.." I groan a few times before managing to stand. Walking to the closet, I get a robe and tie it around myself. I groan and lay back down on the bed, waiting for the fighting to stop. After what seems like hours, the door slams open. I sit up and look at the door, it's Sir Albaynion, thankfully. I reach out to him, and he starts walking towards me, then I see..another Sir Albaynion with a bow...he shoots the one coming towards me, and they turn back. It was Sir Calanoqui.
"See, Vanikayni?! It wasn't me who killed Jaqil! It was Calan-"
Calanoqui tackles Sir Albaynion, and punches him in the face, Albaynion stabs him in the back with his tail. I hear Calanoqui scream, I scramble to get up and slam the door shut, then I look around for a way to escape. I see a window, and a chair. I grab the chair and throw it through the window, shattering it, then jump out. I definitely don't make a perfect landing, because I land on all fours, like a cat. My wrists and ankles hurt a lot, but I stand and start walking out of the kingdom. Cavikil stops me by grabbing my shoulders. "Where have you been?! Where is the king?! What did your husband do?!"
I start to cry and push him away, then run out and into the woods. I run until my legs give out from under me, causing me to fall on my face. I happen to have fallen on a rock, so I pass out quickly.

One small coma later...

I wake up and see Wakiek, my father, staring at me. He quickly takes a few steps back as I feel around, I'm in a cave, and the rocks are cold and wet. I sit up and stand, then hug my father tightly. "H-How are you alive? How did you find me? How long have I been-"
"Kadig wouldn't let me die. She was the fox lady...and she wants to apologize for the threat she gave you."
"But her friend...the man dog..."
"Is dead. Anyway, I found you because Kadig insisted I look for you. And I did. And I'm glad I did."
I smile, and hug him tighter.
"Alright, that's enough hugging. You get an apology from Kadig while I cook."
"Yes, father.." I move away, then walk out. The fox lady, Kadig, looks to me and bows slightly.
"I am very sorry for the threat my dear friend and I gave you. I did not understand that you were his slave, and not his mate. I'm sure...if he was still around...h-he..would apologize t-too..." The fox lady begins to cry, she gently touches her stomach, then walks away.
I look down, then slowly walk inside. "Fath-" I see Sir Albaynion and Sir Calanoqui, but not my father. I back away.
"We've come to an agreement." says Sir Calanoqui.
"We will share. Once." Sir Albaynion mutters.
"Maybe just once, maybe more than once..."
"Once." Albaynion says, then grunts.
I stare for a moment, look around, then start to run into the woods.
"Dammit." Albaynion begins to run after me, Calanoqui sighs and follows.

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