Part two. A warm bed.

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I wake up, and squirm under Sir. His weight feels like it could snap me. "I mustn't wake him..." I think, then looks around, realizing I've been moved to his room. I sink into the soft mattress, and the silky sheets... "Oh will be so much more comfortable to...why am I thinking about that!! Stop brain!!" I whisper to myself, then look at Sir, who is obviously awake, and pretending not to be. I sigh, letting him have his fun for a moment before I try to squirm out from under him. He grabs me by my hips and sits up, I don't object, knowing where that will take me. I simply look at him, tired, the mark on my cheek not that noticeable anymore because of all the other bites, scratches, and blood covering my extremely small body. "I..I..can't..take" Sir only smiles at my comment, then stands, and grabs a fluffy robe from his closet, then tosses it onto the bed, next to me. I look at the robe, then him.
"Put it on, elf. I have guests coming over, I don't want you naked."
I put the robe on happily, then hug myself a little.
"This will be a stressful meeting...but maybe I'll spare you, so you can heal.." Sir says, then leaves the room, a mercenary comes in a few minutes later. I look at them for a moment, then stand up, and wince, then I lay down and look around, seeing lots of gems, gold and jewelry on every shelf and table, Sir's desk has many papers on it. I get under the covers. I feel the mercenary's eyes on me, pinning me down to the bed and making be terrified, though I don't know why.
"I've never heard of two that. Wonder what it's like."
The hair on the back of my neck stands on end, I sit up and look at the mercenary as they begin to approach me. I stand, and slowly back away, then bolt out the door. "I'm going to be in so much trouble..." I think, running and purposely looking for Sir, tears threatening to flood my eyes. "S-Sir?!" I bump into a tall man, he seems to be a noble. Wearing fancy clothes I've only seen Sir wear, standing much taller than me, with loosely curly blonde hair and emerald green eyes, and seems very muscular. I back away and whimper, looking around, as the man turns to face me. I run away before he can say anything, and bump into the mercenary from before. "Eek!" I back away and look around quickly, I see the man coming into the hallway, Sir following him, he seems angry, and more angry when the mercenary grabs my ass. I yelp and try to push him away, then give up and run behind Sir. "P-Plea-" before I finish my sentence, Sir already has his dagger in the mercenary's stomach, he removes it then growls, "Out." the mercenary runs out.
I cover my face and whimper, "I-I'm sorry sir-"
He picks me up. "I must attend to my mistress."
"What? But she doesn't seem all that terrified...we have important business to discuss!" the blonde noble says, clearly angry now. "And a dunmer?! Really?! That's disgusting!"
I shiver. I hadn't realized how long it's been since Sir has insulted my race...years? I feel less like a person now, more like the dirt under someone's shoe-- or just Sir's belonging. Sir growls at man, "Get the hell out. We will discuss this at nightfall, after I have my MISTRESS in bed."
Mistress? Oh, yes. He's just trying to make the noble think that he isn't sick and cruel...he simply has a mistress. Like all nobles do...
The man scoffs and walks out, some people with big war axes on their backs follow him. "Must be personal bodyguards.." I think. Sir doesn't look at me or talk to me the way back to his room, he walks to the bed and puts me under the silky and thick blanket, then walks out, closing the door behind him.
" it? No punishment? No guard?" I don't receive an answer, but I hear footsteps walking away. I smile a little, happy that Sir is either too busy or stressed to deal with me. I put my head on a heavenly soft pillow, and pull the blanket up to my collar bone. "This is the most comfort I've had in...well..all my life.." I whisper, then look to my side. "But..I do miss having mother by my side.." I sigh, and start to fall asleep.

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