Chapter 49

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After dropping Faith at Louis's place, me, Zayn, and Taylor drove back home. 

I miss Faith so much. Words can't even explain how much I miss her.

"It's okay babe. Faith will be with us very soon" Zayn said, and planted a kiss on my cheek.

I just nodded.

I don't how to get Jessica to talk to me. I want her to talk to me in front of everyone. Maybe I should try starting the conversation.

"Jessica? We all know who you are" I started.

"There's no need to hide" Zayn added.

"unless you are scared" Harry said.

"Me? Scared?" Laughter filled the room "Took you long enough to recognize me" 

"Why are you after me?" I asked

"Hmm, maybe because you took Zayn from me" Jessica replied.

Zayn rolled his eyes.

"Everything was great and then when you came, Zayn started liking you. He didn't even talk to me after he dumped me" there was sadness in her voice "I couldn't take it. I committed suicide" 

"So!? It wasn't Perry's fault I liked her" Zayn said.

"Yes it was. If she was never there, you would have never left me" 

"Look, you could've moved on..." Harry said.

"You think it's so easy" Jessica responded.

Jessica is a ghost so we only see a figure of her body.

"And you know that time you saw Zayn's eyes turn yellow?" she said "that was because I was in his body"

What the fuck. Is that even possible. 

"And Zayn remember that time you thought you saw Perry and Harry kiss?" Jessica said "Yeah that was me too"

"I can't believe you would actually do that" I snapped.

"You deserve to be dead, not me" Jessica spat "I will kill you" 

"If you truly cared about Zayn...You would have let this go" I said.

"You are a bitch" she replied.

"Leave her alone" Zayn yelled

"Shut up Zayn.. I need revenge" Jessica told him.

"You have given her enough pain" Zayn said.

"Enough? No she deserves to be dead!" Jessica yelled.

"You're just jealous of her" Bella said.

...No answer...

"Jessica?" I said.

"Where did she go?" Niall said.

"we need a way to kill her soul" I said.

"I'll be back tomorrow" Jessica said.

"What does that mean? Doesn't she live here?" I said.

Zayn shrugged.

"I have an idea. Hurry! We don't have much time" I said and ran to the door.

"we need to know where her dead body is buried" I said. This might be a stupid idea, because things like this only happen in movies. But at the moment, this is all I can think of.

"How would we know?" Taylor said.

"Let's go to the graveyard, closest to our house" Zayn said.

Our car keys were inside the house, and we didn't want to waste time, so we just ran. 

After reaching the graveyard. We separated and looked at the stones.

And then I saw it.

Jessica Marshall. 1993-2012

"I found it!" I yelled.

Everyone ran to me. 

"What are you going to do?" Lisa said.

"Burn her body" I said, without thinking. I feel so stupid right now for some reason.

"This is all I can think of" I said.

"We have no fire or oil. How are we going to burn her body?" 

"Fuck!" I yelled.

"There is a church close to where we are. They should have something." Liam said.

"Let's go!" I said and we ran to the church.

Zayn and Liam wen to get a lighter, oil and hopefully a shovel. So it's easier to get the body out.

We waited outside the church in silence.

"Got it!" Zayn said, showing me a bottle of oil and a lighter. Liam was standing beside Zayn, holding a shovel. Great!

"C'mon we should get home before 12:00" Before the next day starts.

After digging. We saw her body. It was mostly her bones, but a little of skin was still there. Ew!

I think I am going to throw up.

Zayn spilled the oil all over her body, feeling brave. 

Niall threw the lighter and the fire spread fast as hell.

"move back" I yelled.

"Okay let's go before someone sees us" Bella said.

We ran back home, hoping everthing would be fine now.

And then before I knew it...I was asleep and so were the others.


"You thought I would be gone?" 

Me and the others woke up by Jessica's voice.

"I'm still here bitches" 



Thanks @HarryStyles_GJ for editing this chapter <3

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