Chapter 15.

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Rick was very pissed off after he analyzed the roses that he took and saw the result was that it was identical how he made the blue roses and the same compounds where found in the black rose he looked at, he knew it had to have been some other Rick and needed to get ride of him. As he thought that he remembered that he needed to get the body of the actor he kidnapped out of his lab before the smell started getting stronger, Rick ended up beating the actor to death, bringing him back to life and beating him to death again. After he deposed of the body he imminently got working on his main plan for Nicole after her movie was released, he was inspired by his froopyland invention that he made for his daughter along with the same process of how to enter that world. He knew that if he took a planet she would find her way off it, with the same idea for froopyland she wouldn't escape and Rick would know where she would be. From the inside of the world he'd modeling a lot from froopyland like making the ground bouncy and the water breathable so Nicole wouldn't hurt herself another that was different was that she wouldn't starve with the trees having a lot of different type of earth and space fruits that grow back instantly as so someone picked them,not only that but he made blue and black rose bushes in a lot of area of the world. Rick wanted to put a lot more elbow grease and effort in making the world since he was making it for Nicole he wanted her to be very happy.

Though at the Citadel President Morty ended up having the plan on taking Nicole after her movie's release date, he planned on cloning Nicole C-137 to an identical clone with her personality without being asexual and aromatic. He didn't want to bother with the other versions of her since they where far too dangerous or too mentally unstable to have around. He saw that the Morty of her dimension was changing with more confidence and more open than any other Morty which reminded of himself but he wasn't as cold an manipulative has himself, another thing he saw was how much Rick C-137 had changed since meeting Nicole and participating in all the anime and comic conventions she loved going too. From the reports he reed and from what he heard from the Ricks that where sent to do field work at the conventions they went too, Rick C-137 was far more happier than any Rick had been being with Nicole the same with his Morty. That information was why Nicole was first brought to the Citadel and gave the Ricks the idea of going to different dimensions for other versions of her, with the clones a lot of Ricks and Mory's would change incredible. But the President wanted the original Nicole from the clones and would be far more superior than the clones, he had a feeling that a clone wouldn't be the same.

As for what was happening with Nicole she was at her house enjoying watching the first season of One Piece at her living room and eating her second container of edible cookie dough, she wasn't alone Morty was with her also eating out of a container of edible cookie dough. Morty didn't know what Rick was up too and recently started seeing him less, which brought him asking Nicole if the two of them would hang out and she was alright with it. Nicole wanted to show Morty some of favorite anime and started to binge watch several showing in which they started with one piece, the more episodes they watched the more Nicole noticed how much Morty was enjoying the anime. 

"Ah jeeze this is great shit I can't believe I haven't watched this sooner?" Morty said that to Nicole when they finished watching the first season and she was pulling the dvd out of the player and putting it back in it's dvd case 

"Well Rick would probably say something that would ruin it for ya." Saying that made Morty a little upset

"So true." But he smiled as Nicole looked back at him

"Thanks again for the edible cookie dough. I didn't know they sell this stuff."

"It's a great idea everyone loves eating cookie dough and admitting it." That's what Nicole said that she pulled out the first one piece movie  

"Alright we just got finished with episode 62 which is the end of season one." After saying that Morty questioned her

"How many seasons is there?"

"Ten season with the English version and 20 season for the sub version so far, I've watched all of them including seventeen movies which we're about to watch the first one." That was Nicole's answer to Morty and she saw the very shocked look on his face

"Holy shit twenty seasons and seventeen movies? How popular is this anime?" What they didn't know was that Rick was watching the two from his secret camera that he had in the living room and didn't like what he was seeing and started feeling jealous and angry at his grandson for being with Nicole instead of him, Rick ended up walking across the street to Nicole's house. He lied saying Morty needed to go with him to some planet that Nicole hadn't heard of, Rick practically dragged Morty out of her house as Nicole paused the movie telling him good luck on his adventure with his Grandpa. After they left Nicole called her manager asking her if she had time to hang out and to go to the local farmers market later that day and she said yes to her.

Nicole did do several selfies of herself in the both in her house and outside with her blue rose brush that was in her backyard,  as soon she posted the pictures she started getting a lot of messages a lot of them where about the blue rose bush and where she got them. Nicole answered saying that someone gave them to her as a gift, she ended up doing a video vlog explaining why she loved blue roses and how grateful she was in reserving them. 

Once her manager arrived at her place Nicole rode in her car so she wouldn't need to take her car in case anyone tried to break into it at the parking lot, upon arriving at the farmers market a lot of people recognized Nicole and asked for either a selfie or several pictures for a few promotions for some of the stalls instagram's sites. Nicole even got a lot of free produce for doing the promotions and modeling for what products looks great to her and what matched or fit the theme of her lolita attire, not only did she do instagram pictures but little girls around four or five wanted to get pictures with Nicole and even hugging her. Nicole and her manager stayed at the farmers market for several hours and had gotten a lot of fruits, vegetables, herbs and even spice. Nicole also bought a lot of seeds and several planets so she could start growing her own produce with a green house she now planned on building when she had some more free time, however she remembered that Rick had given her a meeseeks box and didn't really use it. Nicole asked her manager to drive her to the hard ware store so that she could buy all the material she needed for her green house and the material she needed for a vegetable and herb garden, she was luck that her backyard was big enough and had the large amount of space she needed. Since there was a lot of things bought Nicole needed a delivery truck brought to her place, but her manager wasn't that happy with that idea and ended up getting Nicole a U hall truck to put all the material in. Nicole didn't know how to drive a truck and she Rick that answered pretty fast to her surprise like he was waiting for her to call him and she asked Rick if he knew how to drive a U hall truck in which he answered he did, he also mentioned to Nicole that she had good timing since he and Morty had returned back. What Nicole didn't know what Rick had really been up too, instead of going on an adventure Rick was whipping away Morty's memory's. The ones he was whipping was the one that he was spending time at Nicole's place and watching her anime's while eating the edible cookie dough, he wanted so badly to eases all the memories of Nicole out of Mory's head but he couldn't. 

"Thanks again for doing this Rick, if I drove I would cause a lot of accidents."  Nicole had said that after Rick had shown up using his portal gun to get to her location a lot more quicker and he said to her

"I'm just keeping my word to ya babe. B(belch)y the way cute dress." Was what he was to her before he grabbed the U hall keys from the guy that brought the truck, then her manager whispered to Nicole

"Nikki what does he mean by that?"

"I'll tell you later." Nicole whispered her answer to her manager as Rick got in the driver's seat of the truck and started it.   

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