story time

892 30 3

"How are you feeling?" Gabriel asks nathalie, wrapping her in more blankets.
"Gabriel please I'm alright..." She coughs, that morning had been a hard one for her, especially considering he won't even let her touch the tablet. Gabriel finishes putting her in the cocoon of blankets. "There."
"Gabriel..." Nathalie giggles slightly.
"My peahen." He kisses her warm forehead.
"Do you need anything? Tea? More blankets?"
"Anything but more blankets." She chuckles
Gabriel smiles, holding her to his chest. It was raining outside, which made the skys dark and cloudy. Gabriel immediately has a memory about a 2 years ago.
"Remember when you came into work soaking wet?" Gabriel says.
"Yes..." Natalie says a little bit embarrassed.
"Hey, don't worry." He gives her a nuzzle, nathalie can't help but giggle.
"It was about a 2 years ago?"

"Ms. Sancour, why and you soaked?" Gabriel says standing on the stairs, staring down at poor Natalie by The doors. She looks like she had fell into a lake, she didn't have an umbrella in her hands, And her feet were muddy. Not to mention she was shivering, there was a thunderstorm outside.
"I-i didn't know that it would be raining..." She sneezes. "I wanted to walk and I forgot my umbrella..."
Gabriel kept his Stern expression, he walks down the stairs and takes her hand. "Let's get you cleaned up." He says, as soon as he felt her hand he got a little bit worried, but he didn't let even a little bit of fear cross his face. He helps her into the bathroom and takes a towel, nathalie was still shivering and sneezing. "I'm so sorry, Natalie. I'll need to do the akumatizion alone today." He says holding her cheek.
She had a cold.
"Sir please..." Nathalie says quietly.
"No, you will rest for today." He says in a stern tone.
"Yes sir..."
"Now, I want to to put your clothes outside the door and I'll dry them. You take a warm shower." He says standing up. "Alright..."

Gabriel returns, his assistants dry, warm clothes in hand. He gently knocks on the door. "Nathalie?" He asks. "Yes?" Nathalie responded, there was a towel around her body.
"I have your clothes, may you open the door slightly so I can put them in?"
"I-in a moment..." she stands behind the door and opens it slightly, Gabriel gives her the clothes, She closes the door.
"Thank you sir..."
"Just come out when you're ready, don't forget your resting." He walks away.
Nathalie sighs. "Resting? Today of all days?" She puts on her warm clothes, feeling a lot of relief. "He just cares a lot about you miss Natalie!" Duusu flies from behind her back. "Ack-! Duusu!" Nathalie stutters in Surprise. "Don't you see that he really really cares about you!" She says happily flying around the bathroom. "Don't be ridiculous, I'm just his assistant." She puts her hair up in her perfect bun. "Just an assistant? Nonsense!" Duusu goes on her head.
"It makes perfectly good sense, now get in my pocket." Duusu obeys and hides, nathalie went to her desk, not remembering that she was supposed to be resting. Gabriel catches a glimpse of her. "Your supposed to be resting." He walks up to her, only the desk separating them.
"Im alright-"
"Your. Resting."
"Yes sir..." She goes to the small guest room with Gabriel by her side, making sure that she wasn't going to sneak the tablet in. Gabriel puts her to bed.
"Thank you..." Nathalie says quietly.
"Don't thank me, I'll see you in a few hours." He turns off her lights closing the door.

"Can't believe I had to order you around." Gabriel says holding her on his chest, this time both of them were wrapped in the blankets.
"You needed to anyway, do you know how much work I would have gotten done?" She giggled.
"Isn't that a good thing?"
"I mean I wouldn't have rested at all."
"I see." He kisses her nose.
"Well, my peahen, I think it's time to fall asleep don't you?"
"Agreed." She yawns, the whole day they were talking about mayura and hawkmoth, or just random other stories that they had about each other.
Gabriel reaches over and turns off the lights, the whole room going dark.
"Night night, little bird." Gabriel chuckles.
"Night night, little butterfly."

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